Unified Vindictus Service Changes

  • 8 years ago

On Thursday, February 16th, a new era in Vindictus arrives as European, North American and Australian players will all be a part of the same Vindictus service! The unification of our western Vindictus services will have numerous impacts as we move forward, with customer service, community support, billing and more under the same roof, there will be a number of immediate adjustments as all regions begin playing with the same rules. Take a peak at it all below!

Please note: All details below are current plans only and are subject to change.

Changes to the Supply Depot and Avatar Shop

Changes will take effect with the Thursday, February 16th Unification Maintenance.

Prices and item availability will be identical across all servers.

  • Baseball Cap Box: Removed from the Supply Depot (previously available in EU)
  • Black Wolf Pet: EU Price reduced to 12,900 NX (previously 13,000 NX)
  • Cadet Badge: NA/AUS Price reduced to 4,900 NX (previously 6,900 NX)
  • Dire Wolf Pet: EU Price reduced to 11,900 NX (previously 12,000 NX)
  • Enchant Rune: Price changed to 5,500 NX (previously 8,900 NX for NA/AUS, 2,900 NX for EU)
  • Forest Gremlin Pet: EU Price reduced to 8,900 NX (previously 9,900 NX)
  • Halo Accessory Box: Removed from the Supply Depot (previously available in EU)
  • Normal Character Slots: Removed from the Supply Depot (previously available in EU)
  • Oracle Surprise: Removed from the Supply Depot (previously available in EU)
  • Outfitters: EU Price for full sets of Normal Outfitters reduced to 19,900 NX (previously 20,000 NX), NA/AUS Price for full sets of Limited Outfitters reduced to 27,900 NX (previously 31,900 NX)
  • Premium Marketplace Coupon: EU price reduced to 490 NX (previously 590 NX)
  • Red Wolf Pet: EU Price reduced to 12,900 NX (previously 13,000 NX)
  • Shared Storage: NA/AUS 30 Day price reduced to 4,900 NX (previously 5,900 NX), Permanent version removed from the Supply Depot (previously available in EU)
  • Shining Will Package: 2 Day duration now available for EU
  • Shining Wolf Pet: NA/AUS Price reduced to 15,000 NX (previously 15,900 NX)
  • Storage Chest Expansion Ticket: NA/AUS Permanent price reduced to 10,900 NX (previously 12,900 NX)
  • Tir Coins will no longer be available
  • Unbind Potion: 1x and 10x quantities available for both regions (NA/AUS previously only had 10x)

Changes to North American and Australian Service

Changes will take effect with the Thursday, February 16th Unification Maintenance

  • All players have access to 7 character slots (up from 6)
  • The Super Lucky System is here! Enemies and objects will randomly drop large quantities of gold, at a rate determined by your LUK stat
  • Guild names can now contain up to 20 characters
  • Parties containing returning players will no longer gain an EXP bonus
  • Ferghus is now able to make up for his heinous crimes by restoring the Durability of your items
  • The Premium Enhancement Rune is no longer destroyed upon a successful Enhancement
  • Town departure is now available
  • Fine Bath Soaps cost reduced to 500,000 Gold (from 1,000,000 Gold)

Changes to European Service

Changes will take effect with the Thursday, February 16th Unification Maintenance

For our upcoming European players, please make sure that you're ready for the new, unified service by preparing your account for migration.

  • XE Skills have been removed and Extreme Mode is no longer activated. AP spent on XE Skills has been refunded
  • Tir Coins will no longer be usable, excluding for a Tutorial for new players
  • Evie is now able to use Healing skills
  • Daily resets now occur at 17:00 UTC (9:00 AM PST / 12:00 PM EST / 4:00 AM AEDT / 6:00 PM CET)
  • All links in Vindictus will lead to the vindictus.nexon.net website
  • Gamepads can now be used
  • A guild must have at least 10 members before it may use Guild Storage
  • Maximum Marketplace price set at 1,000,000,000 Gold
  • There is no Level Restriction when using the Marketplace
  • When deleting characters, must wait 38 hours before the deletion is confirmed
  • Assorted text changes to match North American version
  • Non-event Megaphones can be sold on the Marketplace
  • AP Shop has been adjusted to match the North American version, using the following prices:
    • 100 AP: Luck Blessing Stone
    • 120 AP: 2x Merc Recovery Potions
    • 150 AP: Goddess Grace
    • 250 AP: Divine Blessing Stone
    • 300 AP: Unlimited Hair Pass (7 Days)
    • 500 AP: VVIP Service Box (2 Days)
    • 800 AP: Unlimited Inner Armor Pass (7 Days)
    • 800 AP: AP Shop Renewal Celebratory Necklace (7 Days)
    • 1,000 AP: Clodagh's Dye Ampoule (Empty)
    • 1,000 AP: Goddess Grace (Party)
    • 1,200 AP: Crimson Blade Epaulet
    • 1,500 AP: Avatar Dye Ampoule (Empty)
  • NX is split into two categories: NX Prepaid, which can be acquired through Karma Koin, Nexon Game Cards, Xsolla, or PaySafeCard, and NX Credit, which is purchased using a credit card and PayPal charge. Certain items cannot be purchased with NX Credit, see the NX Guide page for more information
  • Text needed to enter before deleting NX items has been slightly adjusted
  • Friends list is categorized by on and offline, as well as being sorted by name

If you have any additional questions about what's to come, check out the European Migration FAQ or give us a poke on the official Vindictus forums!