[COMPLETE] July 4th Europe Server Maintenance

  • 7 years ago

UPDATE: The maintenance has been completed. The bonus EXP and AP time will last through 1:00 AM CEST, July 5th, in lieu of the scheduled 4 hour EXP/AP bonus. Full compensation for the recent latency issues on the Europe server will be announced soon, after we have confirmed that the problem has been fully addressed.

Thank you for your patience, and we hope that you continue to enjoy the Rise: Revolution update.

Dear Players,

We will be performing an unscheduled maintenance on Tuesday, July 4th at 12:00 AM CEST on the Europe server, to deploy a server-side patch. During this period, the Europe server will be unavailable, all others will remain active. We anticipate the maintenance to last approximately 60 minutes, concluding at around 1:00 AM CEST.

- Start and End Time -

Europe: 12:00 AM - 1:00 AM CEST

Please note that the estimated length of time for each maintenance is subject to change without notification.

- What -

  • Europe Server Maintenance
  • When the maintenance is complete, players on the Europe server will gain +100% EXP and AP for 24 hours

Thank you for your patience.