Treasure Chest Event

  • 9 years ago


The monsters of Vindictus are hoarding treasure, and its high time we take it back, for the good of the war effort! And, you know, for ourselves too, because there sure is an M and an E in team!

From now through June 30th, completed dungeon runs can drop a Golden or Mysterious Treasure Chest. The Golden Chest contains a wealth of items, from VVIP time, Permanent Chest Expansion, Dye Ampoules filled with white or black dye, and plenty of other valuable NX Items, including 3 Exclusive Wings, the Phoenix Wings, White Phoenix Wings and the Devil Wings!



Golden Treasure Chests can only be unlocked via a Golden Treasure Chest Key, which can be purchased from the Supply Depot for 1,900 NX each, or obtained from the Treasure Hunt Attendance Event (more on that below!).

Those aren't the only treasure chests to come, though. The Mysterious Treasure Chest isn't quite as shiny, but it has plenty of powerful items, including AP Capsules, Merc Recovery Potions, Brynn Elixers and many more valuable crafting and utility items, but the crown jewels of the Mysterious Treasure Chests are the 4 Exclusive Wings, the Beautiful Silver Wings, Black Wings, Brilliant Gold Wings and Snow White Wings!



These Treasure Chests can only be opened with Mysterious Treasure Chest Keys, which can drop at the end of a battle missions run instead of a Treasure Chest. You won't be able to purchase these keys directly, so you'll have to keep pounding your way through the battle missions.

These Treasure Chests will stick around through June 30th, so you've got a bit of time to grab those wings, especially if you take advantage of the Treasure Hunt Attendance Event!

Event Treasure Chest Event
  • Complete Battle Quests to earn Golden Treasure Chests, Mysterious Treasure Chests and Mysterious Treasure Chest Keys
  • Golden Treasure Chests can only be opened by Golden Treasure Chest Keys
  • Mysterious Treasure Chests can only be opened by Mysterious Treasure Chest Keys
    • Be sure that you're opening Treasure Chests flagged with the text "2015". Treasure Chests flagged with "2012" are not part of this event.
Event Start Wednesday, June 3rd
Event End Tuesday, June 30th (10:00 AM)
Golden Treasure Chest Key
  • Supply Depot
  • 1x Golden Treasure Chest Key: 1,900 NX
  • 10x Golden Treasure Chest Key: 18,000 NX
  • Can also obtain through the Treasure Hunt Attendance Event
  • Golden Treasure Chest Keys do not drop from dungeons

Treasure Hunt Attendance Event

While you can always purchase a Golden Treasure Chest Key, you'll be able to grab 10 free keys over the next month just by being online! From now through June 30th, every day a new item will be delivered to your inventory, from AP Capsules, Goddess Graces, Merc Recovery Potions, and even the Golden Treasure Chest Keys you'll need to open the Golden Treasure Chests!


Event Treasure Hunt Attendance Event
  • Receive a new item each day while you're logged on.
  • Includes 10 Golden Treasure Chest Keys
Event Start Wednesday, June 3rd
Event End Tuesday, June 30th
  • You can view the full schedule of the Attendance Event through the Events menu.

-- The Vindictus Team --