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[UPDATED] Coming Soon: North America/Australia Server Merge

  • 7 years ago

For the last seven years, Vindictus has served players in North America and Australia across three separate regions. In an upcoming update, tentatively planned for the beginning of November, we will be merging the East, West and Australia Regions into one North American region! All of your characters will be automatically transferred to this new server

This new North American server will allow players across North America to better find fellow mercenaries to aid them in battle and help maintain stable Marketplace economies across the continent. Your non-raid battle quests will continue to operate on a peer-to-peer level, with PvP and Royal Army Raids hosted at our best North American location.

We know that you'll have some questions about the details of this new region and how the merge will occur. Please take a look at the FAQ below and, if your question isn't answered there, please head on over to the Official Forums and let us know!


Updated - 11/03

Q: Will any items in my character's storage be affected?

A: While all items in the normal, Quest and NX inventory will be carried over normally, characters from West and Australia will find items in their Temporary NX Storage screen (where Supply Depot items are first placed when purchased) sent to their inbox. We apologize for the inconvenience, however any items with durations will not begin until removed from the mailbox and, if applicable, activated.

Q: What happens if there are multiple characters with the same name?

A: In cases of duplicate names, the character with the most playtime will retain their original name, with character creation date serving as the tiebreaker. All other characters with that name will have "EA_", "WE_" or "AU_" added to the front of their name. They will also be allowed to change their character name as soon as they login with their affected character.

Q: If I have more than 7 Free characters, will I still be able to create new characters?

A: Vindictus accounts can have a maximum of 7 Free character slots on a single server. If the server merge causes you to have 7 or more Free characters, you will not be able to create a new Free character. New characters can be created, either via deleting unwanted characters until you have 6 or fewer taken slots, or via the purchase of a Premium Character Slot. You will still have access to all of your merged characters, even if the merge brings you to well above 7.

Q: If I have more than 20 total characters, will I still be able to create new characters?

A: Vindictus accounts have a maximum of 20 total character slots on a single server. If the server merge does push an account over that limit, they will be unable to create a new character until they have deleted enough unwanted characters to bring them to 19 or fewer taken slots.

Q: I have a New or Returning Player Attendance Event active, what will happen to my progress?

A: If you have an existing Attendance Event, it will remain active on the new, merged server. If you have multiple such events active, the most recently progressed Attendance Event will be carried over.

Q: What if I have more items in multiple Shared Storages than can fit in the available storage?

A: Items in Shared Storage will be kept in their previous slots when possible. However, if a slot is full, then those items will be placed in available Shared Storage slots as available. If there are more items than can be placed in the available slots, they will be held in a queue on the server. To recover items held in that queue, remove items from the first Shared Storage space and log out with your character, queued items will be automatically placed back into Shared Storage when you log back in.

Older Answers

Q: Will this affect European characters?

A: Aside from the downtime required by the upcoming Server Merge maintenance, Europe will be unaffected by any aspects of the server merge maintenance.

Q: Will I keep all my characters, if I have more than 20?

A: Currently, even with purchased Character Slots, you can have a maximum of 20 characters on a server. This will still be the case after the merge, however players with more than 20 characters across East, West and Australia will retain access to all of their characters.

Q: What happens if there are multiple guilds with the same name?

A: In this case, the highest level guild first will retain their original guild name, with guild creation date serving as the tiebreaker. Any other guilds with that name will be renamed in the same manner as with characters ("EA_", "WE_" or "AU_" added to the front).

Q: What if I have pets on different servers with the same name?

A: While multiple players on the same server can have pets named the same, a player cannot have two pets named the same on the same server. In cases where the pets names are duplicated, the highest level Pet will retain its name, with the tiebreaker being when the Pet was first adopted; other pets with that name will be renamed with "EA_", "WE_" or "AU_" added to the front.

Q: What about items in the Marketplace when the merge happens?

A: When Vindictus goes down for the Server Merge Maintenance, all Marketplace entries will expire and be returned to the listing character.

Q: Will I lose any VVIP time if I have it active on multiple servers?

A: When the Server Merge occurs, we will take the time remaining on VVIP Licenses on East, West and Australia and apply the cumulative value to characters on the new North American server. So, if you have 8 days, 10 days and 2 days remaining across the servers, you'll have 20 days of VVIP active after the maintenance.

Q: What if I have Shared Storage active on multiple servers?

A: When the Server Merge occurs, the remaining duration on Shared Storage for each slot will added together, such as in the case of the below table. Items in Shared Storage will either stay in the Shared Storage or be sent to your characters via in-game mail, however we do recommend organizing your Shared Storage so that you don't have to search for the items among your characters mailboxes.

  East West Australia Merged North American Server
Storage 1 30 Days 10 Days 20 Days 60 Days
Storage 2 10 Days 10 Days NA 20 Days
Storage 3 NA NA 10 Days 10 Days
Storage 4 NA 30 Days NA 30 Days

Note: Above plans are subject to change, pending potential technical limitations