Thank You for 8 Years Mercenaries!
Greetings Mercenaries,
Regarding the #WE_ARE_HEROES event that was held last year October 23rd, 2018 in celebration of our 8th anniversary, the full-trailer of the selected Hero's Hero Story has been released!
Thank you all for your submissions, Heroes! We've received countless, beautiful stories, however, decided on a story that we thought would be great to share with all of our community. Enjoy watching the full-trailer and see how Vindictus has impacted this Hero's life. We hope this Hero's Hero Story will impact your life too. #WE_ALL_ARE_HEROES, and once again, thank you for a great journey of 8 years.
- The Vindictus Team
CLICK HERE to find out about the #WE_ARE_HEROES event!