Black Friday - Day 1

  • 9 years ago

Every year, Vindictus has saved some of its biggest deals and best sales for the day after Thanksgiving, best known as Black Friday, and this year is no exception. Beginning Monday, November 23rd and running through Monday, November 30th, we're unleashing a bevy of sales to give you everything you need for the long, cold months ahead.

Some sales will run throughout the entire week, but the best items and the biggest deals will be available for 24 hours only, with new sales popping up every day! These Daily Deals will cycle through at 12:00 PM noon PST every day, removing the previous day's special sales in favor of a new set of items on sale.

Daily Deal Change Time

  • Pacific: 12:00 PM PST
  • Eastern: 3:00 PM EST
  • Australia: 7:00 AM +1 Day AEDT

Daily Deal 1: Monday, November 23rd

The first of our Daily Deals will feature four items with a wealth of potential! For 24 hours, the revamped Weapon Surprise Supplies and Armor Surprise Supplies, the Permanent Storage Chest Expansion Ticket and the Dazzle 'em Dead Package will be available at a 50% discount, starting at 12:00 PM PST.

Sale Name Daily Deal #1
Sale Start Monday, November 23rd, 2015 (12:00 PM PST)
Sale End Tuesday, November 24th, 2015 (12:00 PM PST)
Location Supply Depot
Dazzle 'em Dead Package
  • On Sale at 50% off for 6,350 NX
  • Contains the following:
    • 1x Permanent Hair Coupon
    • 1x Permanent Inner Armor Coupon
  • Can purchase once per Character at the sale price
  • The Hair and Inner Armor Coupons can be used to purchase any valid Hair or Inner Armor for your character
Permanent Storage Chest Expansion
  • On Sale at 50% off for 6,450 NX
  • Unlocks a new tab of inventory slots to use
  • Can purchase once per Character at the sale price
Weapon Surprise Supplies
  • 10x Weapon Surprise Supplies on Sale at 50% off for 4,450 NX
  • Contains a random item, ranging from Merc Recovery Potions and Divine Blessing Stones to Brynn Elixirs and level 80 weapons (enhanced up to +10)
  • Can purchase once per Character at the sale price
Armor Surprise Supplies
  • 10x Armor Surprise Supplies on Sale at 50% off for 4,450 NX
  • Contains a random item, ranging from Merc Recovery Potions and Divine Blessing Stones to Brynn Elixirs and level 80 armor (enhanced up to +10)
  • Can purchase once per Character at the sale price
  • Armor and Weapon Surprise Supplies were originally stated as being on sale at 450 NX for 1x. This was in error and we apologies for the confusion.
  • The maximum possible Enhancement of contents in the Armor and Weapon Surprise Supplies was originally stated as being +12. This was in error, the maximum possible enhancement is +10.

Black Friday Ongoing Sales

While the big deals are each and every day this week, some of our most popular items are on sale all week long! You'll only be able to purchase them once per character, but don't worry, there's going to be plenty of other items on sale!

Sale Name Black Friday Ongoing Sales
Sale Start Monday, November 23rd, 2015 (12:00 PM PST)
Sale End Tuesday, December 1st, 2015 (12:00 PM PST)
Location Supply Depot
  • 1x Clodagh's Dye Ampoule: 380 NX (80% Off!)
  • 5x Clodagh's Dye Ampoules: 4,740 NX (40% Off!)
  • 1x Avatar Dye Ampoule: 580 NX (80% Off!)
  • 5x Avatar Dye Ampoules: 8,700 NX (40% Off!)
  • 1x Enhancement Rune: 780 NX (80% Off!)
  • 5x Enhancement Runes: 11,400 NX (40% Off!)
  • 1x Enchant Rune: 1,780 NX (80% Off!)
  • 5x Enchant Runes: 26,700 NX (40% Off!)
  • 1x Armor Fusion Rune: 500 NX (80% Off!)
  • 5x Armor Fusion Runes: 5,940 NX (40% Off!)
  • 1x Weapon Fusion Rune: 2,500 NX (80% Off!)
  • 5x Weapon Fusion Runes: 37,500 NX (40% Off!)
  • Can purchase one of each of the sales per Character