Homeward Hero Pass Event

  • 4 years ago


Event Period: February 16th, 2021 - March 16th, 2021

Complete the Hero Pass missions assigned every day, and get various rewards!


Event Details

* Per-account event (Lv. 60+)

1) Select and complete daily missions to earn Hero Pass EXP!

2) Earn enough Hero Pass EXP to level up your pass and claim new rewards!

3) You can get rewards for the Hero Pass level you reached.

- If you purchase the Homeward Hero Unlock Package from the Supply Depot, you can unlock the Premium Line.

- If you unlock the Premium Line, you can earn additional rewards on top of the default rewards each time your level up your pass.


Paid Product Information

Package Item Name Price Contents Quantity Tradability

Homeward Hero Unlock Package

(Reorder limited to 1 time(s) per UID, can be shared within the account)


Homeward Hero Unlock Ticket 1 Bound to Character
Title: Homeward Bound Hero 1 Bound to Character

Homeward Hero 1-Up Box

(Reorder limited to 10x per UID; can be shared within your account)
1,500 Homeward Hero 1-Up Ticket 1 Account shareable


Reward Information

Regular Line

Premium Line
Level Item Name Quantity Tradability Item Name Quantity Tradability
1 AP 500 Capsule (Account Shareable) 1 Account Shareable 1x Helping Hero Box+ [AS] 1 Account Shareable 1x
2 Ceara's Fatigue Potion (Account Shareable) 2 Account Shareable 1x Departure License (Account Shareable) 2 Account Shareable 1x
3 Equipment Durability Protection (Exquisite) 1 Bound to Character Helping Hero Box+ [AS] 1 Account Shareable 1x
4 30 Brynn Elixir 1 Bound to Character Unbind Potion (Gift) 2 Can use Shared Storage
5 Damascus Destiny Box [LS] 1 Account Shareable 1x Helping Hero Box+ [AS] 1 Account Shareable 1x
6 Damascus Destiny Box [LS] 1 Account Shareable 1x Goddess Grace (Party, Gift) 2 Can use Shared Storage
7 Divine Materials Box [AS] 1 Account Shareable 1x Helping Hero Box+ [AS] 1 Account Shareable 1x
8 AP 500 Capsule (Account Shareable) 1 Account Shareable 1x New Era Materials Box [AS] 1 Account Shareable 1x
9 Ceara's Fatigue Potion (Account Shareable) 2 Account Shareable 1x Departure License (Account Shareable) 2 Account Shareable 1x
10 Equipment Durability Protection (Exquisite) 1 Bound to Character Enhancement Rune (Gift) 1 Can use Shared Storage
11 30 Brynn Elixir 1 Bound to Character Unbind Potion (Gift) 2 Can use Shared Storage
12 Damascus Destiny Box [LS] 1 Account Shareable 1x Helping Hero Box+ [AS] 1 Account Shareable 1x
13 Damascus Destiny Box [LS] 1 Account Shareable 1x Goddess Grace (Party, Gift) 2 Can use Shared Storage
14 Divine Materials Box [AS] 1 Account Shareable 1x Helping Hero Box+ [AS] 1 Account Shareable 1x
15 AP 500 Capsule (Account Shareable) 1 Account Shareable 1x New Era Materials Box [AS] 1 Account Shareable 1x
16 Ceara's Fatigue Potion (Account Shareable) 2 Account Shareable 1x Departure License (Account Shareable) 2 Account Shareable 1x
17 Equipment Durability Protection (Exquisite) 1 Bound to Character Enhancement Rune (Gift) 1 Can use Shared Storage
18 30 Brynn Elixir 1 Bound to Character Unbind Potion (Gift) 2 Can use Shared Storage
19 Damascus Destiny Box [LS] 1 Account Shareable 1x Helping Hero Box+ [AS] 1 Account Shareable 1x
20 Damascus Destiny Box [LS] 1 Account Shareable 1x Goibhniu's Stone+ 1 Account Shareable 1x
21 Ancient Title Destiny Box 1 Bound to Character Pastel Fox Tail Destiny Box [AS] 1 Account Shareable 1x


Content Details

Pastel Fox Tail Destiny Box [AS]

 - Tail's grade: Fine, Wardrobe Points: 15 points

 - Claim one of the below contents upon opening the box.

Contents Quantity Tradability
Pastel Blue Fox Tail 1 Bound to Character
Pastel Green Fox Tail 1 Bound to Character
Pastel Beige Fox Tail 1 Bound to Character


Helping Hero Box+ [AS]

 - Open to claim all of the following contents.

Contents Quantity Tradability
Merc Recovery Potions (Gift) 10 Can use Shared Storage
Goddess Grace (Gift) 2 Can use Shared Storage
Ceara's Fatigue Potion (Account Shareable) 2 Account Shareable 1x


Damascus Destiny Box [LS]

 - Open to claim an item of your choice.

Contents Quantity Tradability
Damascus Steel (Lv. 100)  2 Account Shareable 1x
Damascus Steel (Limited Sharing) 1 Account Shareable 1x


Divine Materials Box [AS] 

- Open to claim all of the following contents.

Contents Quantity Tradability
Godly Cloth 3 Bound to Character
Heavenly Leather 3 Bound to Character
Paradise Orb 3 Bound to Character
Godly Iron Ore 3 Bound to Character
Paradise Stone 3 Bound to Character


New Era Materials Box [AS]

- Open to claim all of the following contents

Contents Quantity Tradability
New Era Cloth 3 Bound to Character
New Era Leather 3 Bound to Character
New Era Orb 3 Bound to Character
New Era Ore 3 Bound to Character
New Era Stone 3 Bound to Character