Prior Change Notification related to Pet Summoning

  • 3 years ago


Dear Mercenaries,

We are to notify a change that will be made on the upcoming v2.79 update.


Change Schedule: Applied after August 10th (Tues.) Version Update Maintenance
Change Details: Summoning of the Pet during the battle shall be restricted to maximum 3 times per battle.

EX) Summon Shining Wolf A → Summon Shining Wolf B → Summon Dire Wolf C → Unable to summon additional pet
EX) Summon Puppy A → Dismiss Puppy A → Summon Puppy A → Dismiss Puppy A → Summon Puppy A → Dismiss Puppy A → Unable to summon additional pet

[Reason for Change]

In relation with the stat balancing during the battle, critical stat can be highly valuable.
Currently the skill for the specific wolf type pet can increase critical stat for 30 seconds.
The skill may provide momentary efficiency during the battle, however this is causing negative impact towards stat balancing since mercenaries can summon the wolf type pets constantly.

The battle of the game should be fundamentally based upon the character’s original stats and equipment. But however by adding the buff stats constantly through pet skills and considering such buff stats as if it is a part of original stats can act as a barrier when designing the character and monster stats in the medium to long term.

Therefore by limiting the maximum number of pet summoning, we are to limit the pet skill into a supplemental role.
Just for the reference, the most frequently used summoning routine was [Gremlin-Chieftain-Gremlin] and the according to the frequently used summoning routines the number of summoning did not go over the three times.
Additionally frequently summoned pets during party play have caused increase of memory usage and lowered the client performance. Thus limiting the number of pet summoning would help improving such situations.

Such unlimited summoning of the pets was a negligence caused by the development team and we are deeply sorry for the inconvenience caused.

We are to straighten out this issue before it gets too late. Sorry once again for the unexpected change caused.

[Compensation for the Change]
For the Mercenaries possessing more than three wolf type pets, we will be sending the below items for compensation.

  • Subjected Mercenaries: Mercenaries possessing more than three wolf type pets as below before 07/27 maintenance.
  • For the wolf type pets stored in the NX Storage Chest shall also be counted as a possession of the subjected pets. (It shall be applied to the pets stored before 07/27 maintenance)
Dire Wolf
Red Wolf
Shining Wolf
Rare Shining Wolf
Black Wolf
Dire Wolf (Event)
Midnight Wolf

Basic Compensation

  • Details: Depending on the number of wolf type pets exceeding, the below Pet Power Box shall be sent to your Account Mail.
Compensation Item Quantity
Pet EXP Capsule 1
Premium Pet Food 100
VVIP Service (15 days) 1

※ Pet EXP Capsule: When usage level of the LV1 pet increases to LV50.

(EX) Possesses 4 wolf type pets: 1 Pet EXP Capsule / 100 Premium Pet Food / 1 VVIP Service (15 days) sent to your account mail.
(EX) Possesses 6 wolf type pets: 3 Pet EXP Capsule / 300 Premium Pet Food / 3 VVIP Service (15 days) sent to your account mail.

Additional Compensation

  • Details: Depending on the number of wolf type pets exceeding, the below Pet Power Destiny Box shall be sent to your Account Mail. (Max 3 boxes) You will be able to collect an item of your choice from the box.
Compensation Item (Choose One) Quantity
Enchant Rune (Gift) 1
Enhancement Rune (Gift) 2
Outfit Dye Ampoule (Gift) 2
Storage Chest Expansion (Permanent, Gift) 1
Airtight Cadet Badge (30 Days, Gift) 3

(Ex) Possesses 5 wolf type pets: 2 Pet Power Destiny Box will be sent to your account mail.

(Ex) Possesses 8 wolf type pets: 3 Pet Power Destiny Box will be sent to your account mail.


  • You can choose one item from the 'Pet Power Destiny Box' above.
  • 'Pet Power Destiny Box' will expire on December 7th 2021. The items acquired from the box shall have no expiration date.
  • Any and all compensation items not received before December 7th 2021 maintenance shall be deleted.
  • Compensation Schedule: Pet Power Box and Pet Power Destiny Box shall be sent during the August 10th 2021 maintenance.