Autumn Vending Machine Event

  • 2 years ago

Event Period: 10/12 - 11/09 (4 weeks)
Exchange Shop Period: 10/12 - 11/16 (5 weeks)

Event Details

* Character-Based Event (Lv. 30+)

  • 20 Autumn Vending Machine Tokens are given each week.

* Autumn Vending Machine Token distribution is reset every Tuesday at 7AM UTC.
* Autumn Vending Machine Tokens are given to characters that are Lv. 1+.

  • Choose a mission list from the vending machine by using the given tokens, and earn rewards by completing them.
  • Autumn Vending Machine Coupons earned as mission rewards can be spent in the Exchange Shop.

* You can get up to 60 Autumn Vending Machine Coupons in a week.

Vending Machine Mission List

Goals Purchase Limit Reward Name Quantity Autumn Vending Machine Coupon
[LTD] Abyssal Arena Once per week Limited Mission Reward Box 1 3
[LTD] Redeemers Battles Once per week Limited Mission Reward Box 1 3
[LTD] Niflheim Once per week Limited Mission Reward Box 1 3
Astera/Rocheste Outskirts Battles Unlimited Autumn Vending Machine Coupon 3 3
Taratha Region Battles Unlimited Autumn Vending Machine Coupon 3 3
Special Dungeons Unlimited Autumn Vending Machine Coupon 3 3
Royal Army Raids Unlimited Autumn Vending Machine Coupon 3 3
Red Moon's Energy Battle Unlimited Autumn Vending Machine Coupon 3 3
Lv. 30+ Normal Battles Unlimited Autumn Vending Machine Coupon 3 3

* Limited Mission Reward Boxes and items from Autumn Vending Machine Coupon expire on 11/16 at 7 AM UTC.
* The Redeemers battle mission includes up to Tree of Life.

Exchange Shop

Item Name Quantity Tradable Required Number of Coupons Purchase Limit Item Expiration Date
Clone Outfit Crafting Box 1 Tradable Within Account 1x 60 1x per account 12/07/21 at 7 AM UTC
Enchant Rune (Gift) 1 Can use Shared Storage 60 1x per account None
Rank 6 Armor Enchant Destiny Box [AS] 1 Tradable Within Account 1x 45 1x per account 12/07/21 at 7 AM UTC
Max Stat Armor Succession Shard Destiny Box 1 Bound to Character 30 1x per account 12/07/21 at 7 AM UTC
Max Stat Milletian's Essence: Armor Box 1 Bound to Character 30 1x per account 12/07/21 at 7 AM UTC
Mysterious & Abyssal Grade 2 Box 1 Tradable Within Account 1x 24 3x per account 12/07/21 at 7 AM UTC
Rune Rune! Box 1 Bound to Character 12 3x per character 12/07/21 at 7 AM UTC
Jardin Steel Destiny Box 1 Bound to Character 7 7x per character 12/07/21 at 7 AM UTC
New Era Material Destiny Box 1 Bound to Character 9 6x per character 12/07/21 at 7 AM UTC
Redeemers Seal Box 1 Bound to Character 5 3x per character 12/07/21 at 7 AM UTC
Additional Departure Box 1 Bound to Character 5 3x per character 12/07/21 at 7 AM UTC
Goddess Grace (Party, Binding) 1 Bound to Character 5 None None
Divine Blessing Stone (Binding) 1 Bound to Character 5 None None
Equipment Durability Protection (Exquisite) 1 Bound to Character 5 None None
Merc Recovery Potion (Binding) 1 Bound to Character 1 None None

Challenge Box Contents
Limited Mission Reward Box
- Upon using this package, you will obtain all of the items below.

Item Name Quantity Tradability Expiration Date
AP 300 Capsule (Gift) 1 Bound to Character None
Merc Recovery Potion (Binding) 5 Bound to Character None
Goddess Grace (Binding) 1 Bound to Character None
Autumn Vending Machine Coupon 3 Bound to Character 11/16/2021 at 7 AM UTC

 Mysterious & Abyssal Grade 2 Box
- Upon using this package, you will obtain all of the items below.

Item Name Quantity Tradability Expiration Date
Mysterious Shard Grade 2 1 Bound to Character None
Abyssal Shard Grade 2 1 Bound to Character None

Redeemers Seal Box
- Upon using this package, you will obtain all of the items below.

Item Name Quantity Tradability Expiration Date
Redeemers Seal 2 Bound to Character None
Redeemers Departure Strike Ticket 1 Bound to Character 12/07/2021 at 7 AM UTC

Additional Departure Box

- Upon using this package, you will obtain all of the items below.

Item Name Quantity Tradability Expiration Date
Departure License 2 Bound to Character 12/07/2021 at 7 AM UTC
Divine Blessing Stone (Binding) 2 Bound to Character None
Goddess Grace (Binding) 1 Bound to Character None

Max Stat Armor Succession Shard Destiny Box

- Select and obtain one of the following items upon use.

Item Name Quantity Tradability Expiration Date
Solid Succession Shard 1 Bound to Character None
Smooth Succession Shard 1 Bound to Character None

Max Stat Milletian's Essence: Armor Box

- Select and claim one of the following:

Item Name Quantity Tradability Expiration Date
Milletian's Essence: Head Armor 1 Bound to Character None
Milletian's Essence: Chest Armor 1 Bound to Character None
Milletian's Essence: Leg Armor 1 Bound to Character None
Milletian's Essence: Hand Armor 1 Bound to Character None
Milletian's Essence: Feet Armor 1 Bound to Character None

 Jardin Steel Destiny Box

- Select and claim one of the following:

Item Name Quantity Tradability Expiration Date
Jardin Steel (Binding) 1 Bound to Character None
Damascus Steel (Binding) 3 Bound to Character None

 Rune Rune! Box

- Open to claim one of the following. Each item has a different chance to drop.

Item Name Quantity Tradability Expiration Date
Unstable Enhancement Rune (Binding) 1 Bound to Character None
Unstable Enchant Rune (Binding) 1 Bound to Character None

 New Era Material Destiny Box

- Open to select and claim one of the following:

Item Name Quantity Tradability Expiration Date
New Era Cloth 10 Bound to Character None
New Era Leather 10 Bound to Character None
New Era Ore 15 Bound to Character None
New Era Stone 15 Bound to Character None
New Era Orb 15 Bound to Character None

 Rank 6 Armor Enchant Destiny Box [AS]

- Select and claim one of the following: 

Item Name Quantity Tradability Expiration Date
Heartless Enchant Scroll 1 Bound to Character 7 days after obtaining
Weeping Enchant Scroll 1 Bound to Character 7 days after obtaining
Infinite Enchant Scroll 1 Bound to Character 7 days after obtaining
Capture Enchant Scroll 1 Bound to Character 7 days after obtaining
Barrier Enchant Scroll 1 Bound to Character 7 days after obtaining
Soul Enchant Scroll 1 Bound to Character 7 days after obtaining