Sharing is Caring Hot Time Event

  • 1 year ago


Event Period: 3/21 - 4/11


To celebrate the Equipment Share System Update,

Equipment Share and Transfer costs will be 30% off for 3 weeks!


[Event Info]

Equipment Share and Transfer costs will be 30% off during the event.


[Event Notes]

  • The Equipment Share and Transfer System is available to characters above Lv. 110. Some items may be excluded from this feature.
  • Weapons, Armor, Earrings, Belts, and Rings can be shared or transferred with this feature if they have levels above 105. Some Necklaces, Brooches, and Bracelets below Lv. 105 can also be shared or transferred.
  • Equipment Share and Transfer will not preserve an item's fusion and dye status.
  • The Equipment Share and Transfer System has a cooldown of 30 days after initial use.
  • Please note that we cannot reset the cooldown, even in cases where you accidentally share or transfer equipment to the wrong character. Please make sure to carefully review the characters, items, etc. before proceeding.