Ver. 3.00 Update Note

  • 1 year ago

Ver. 3.00 Update Note

Table of Contents

  1. Character Friendship System
  2. Miscellaneous Changes



  1. Character Friendship System

■ Friendship System

- The Close Ally bonding event for Charon has been implemented.

- You can earn the "Close Ally" rank with Charon.

- Dialogue related to your bond with Charon has been added.

- Upon earning the rank of Close Ally, Charon will become less fatigued, and her Power Stance duration will last longer.

- Rank Close Ally achievements have been added.

- Learn more about Charon through her new rank Close Ally event!


- Added 20 voice emotes for Charon.

Charon Voice: Life's Regret

Charon Voice: Self Blame

Charon Voice: Helplessness

Charon Voice: Time of Patience

Charon Voice: Pursue Justice

Charon Voice: Mad

Charon Voice: Greater Power

Charon Voice: Understand Injustice

Charon Voice: Denial

Charon Voice: Distrust Humans

Charon Voice: Sour Grape

Charon Voice: Vertigo

Charon Voice: Moon and Stars

Charon Voice: Responsibility of the Strong

Charon Voice: Life Solitude

Charon Voice: Eye of the Mind

Charon Voice: Stubborn

Charon Voice: Ignorance

Charon Voice: Rune Magic

Charon Voice: Talking to Self


- VOs can be previewed under the Emote window's Emotes tab.

- Voice emotes can be purchased with Friendship Seals from the Friendship Seal Shop. 



  1. Miscellaneous Changes

■ Battle

- Fixed the issue where Taros would display an abnormal combat pattern in Space Time Distortion battle.

- Fixed the issue where some characters would have abnormal stats applied in Fruit Fight.


■ Items

- Changes will be made to the item specs of the Premium Marketplace License after 5/16 (Tue) patch maintenance, as announced previously.

- The following items can be listed as Limited (with the Premium Marketplace License) after the patch maintenance.


[Item List]

Lv. 105+ Weapons/Armors

Lv. 105+ Accessories (Ring, Necklace, Belt, Brooch, Earrings, Ring, Bracelet, Artifact, and Rhod)

Succession Items above Milletian within the Composite Material category (above Succession Shard)

Enchant Scrolls (Unlimited) and Enchant Scroll Scraps above Rank 6

[Airtight] items within the contents obtained via crystals

Clodagh's Dye Ampoule/Outfit Dye Ampoule

Certain appearance altering Avatar Accessories

Certain premium items

* If listed on the Marketplace (via a Premium Marketplace License) before 5/16 maintenance, the license and the listed item have been sent via mail. So please check your mail!


■ Misc.

- Fixed the issue where a Story > Story Info name was too long and would clip by applying the scroll feature.

- Fixed the issue in PvP battles (such as in 'Sports Day: Fruit Fight') where some skills were being applied abnormally.

- Fixed Taros's abnormal combat issue in Space Time Distortion.

- Fixed the issue where, after purchasing the Battle Package and/or Merc Recovery Package from Supply Depot > Bundles, you could not take them out of the Temporary Storage.



Thank you!


The Vindictus Team