Ver. 3.10 Update

  • 11 months ago

Table of Contents 

  1. Character Balance Adjustment

  2. Items

  3. Battle

  4. Redeemers Changes

  5. Misc. 



1. Character Balance Adjustment

* Some characters' balance adjustments are being applied with priority, before the official character balance adjustment that will take place in April.


Lann - Common

Can now briefly dodge enemy attacks with 'Gliding Fury' and 'Absolute Fury'.

  • Gliding Fury


Attack Frame

Evasive Frame

Lightning Fury Combo Available


27 - 45 frames


After 55 frames


27 - 45 frames

0 - 50 frames

After 55 frames


  • Absolute Fury


Attack Frame

Evasive Frame

Lightning Fury Combo Available


7 - 30 frames


After 40 frames


7 - 30 frames

0 - 50 frames

After 40 frames


Developer's Notes:

The intent of adding evasive frames to Gliding Fury was to retain Lann's bold and lighthearted playstyle.

However, we recognize that excessive overbalance can make your gameplay less tense, so we'll be adjusting Gliding Fury's evasion to a level that allows him to respond to monster attacks.

We'll also be monitoring Twin Swords Lann closely as he's expected to generate a significant damage boost, which may unfortunately result in a nerf in April's character balance.

We also promise to continue to monitor Twin Spears Lann to ensure that he maintains an appropriate difficulty level in that combat experience.


Arisha - Spellsword

  • Increased the damage of the following attacks by 10%:
    • Active: Crystal Burst
  • Active: Crystal Burst's STA recovery amount is increased.
    • When inflicting damage on the enemy by detonating the Mana Crystal: 100 → 120
  • Active: Ether Zone's STA recovery amount is increased.
    • When inflicting damage on the enemy by detonating the Mana Crystal: 100 → 120
    • Each time you inflict damage on the enemy in the damaging mana zone area: 13 → 20



  • Can now briefly dodge enemy attacks with the final attack of 'Active: Full Moon'.
    • The final spin animation of the active skill, Full Moon,
  • The Full Moon that chains from Guard can now dodge enemy attacks.
  • Changed the 'Vigor' Status Effect as below.
    • The damage increase rate applied on the enemy via Comet skills has been adjusted when Vigor Lv. 1 and Lv. 2 are applied.
      • Lv. 1: 10% → 15%
      • Lv. 2: 15% → 18%
      • Lv. 3: 20% (Same)
    •  Changed the hit conditions that reduce the 'Vigor' effect's level.
      • Lv. 1: Hit 7x → 8x
      • Lv. 2: Hit 5x → 6x
      • Lv. 3: Hit 3x → 4x


  • To further elaborate, we are providing the frames for the action on the chart below.

 * Full Moon Evasive Frame Changes


Evasive Frame

Gravity Hop Combo

Eclipse Combo



After 55 frames

After 55 frames


0 - 45 frames

After 40 frames

After 55 frames


Developer's Notes:

We're expecting the evasive properties added to Full Moon after Delia's Guard to give her more flexibility in how the she can react to monsters.

We don't expect this to translate directly to improved character performance (although it should make for better combat and survival).

We'll keep an eye on the play logs so that we can make adjustments in the March character balance.

Also, the Keen effect added to the Ion Thrust seemed to be of marginal benefit so we did not apply a fix.

We will re-evaluate it around the time we implement utility improvements along with Vigor, Zenith, etc.



  • Changed Active: Ancestral Garb as below.
    • Required SP: 500 → 300
    • Cooldown: 520 sec
  • 'Active: Ancestral Garb' animation can now be skipped via dodging.
    • You can now use Dodge to skip the animation in both solo and multi-player battles.


Developer's Notes:

We're keeping the same usage patterns as the original ultimate format, but reducing the cooldown to make it more useful in longer battles such as Redeemers and Space Time Distortion.

Miri's performance required some buffs, so we felt the decision to leave the cooldowns alone would not overpower her.

We'll keep an eye on the character's performance over time to see if she should be included in the April character balance.

We're also testing the selective use of the transformation appearance that Miri players have been wanting, so we can promise that will be in the April update.



  • 'Star Fall' can now be chained off the skills below.
    • Arisha (Spellsword) - Active: Temporal Shift
    • Arisha (Spellwhip) - Active: Chaos Symphony
    • Vella (Twin Swords) - Active: Cyclone



  • 'Prey Drive' can now be chained off the skills below.
    • Arisha (Spellsword) - Active: Temporal Shift
    • Arisha (Spellwhip) - Active: Chaos Symphony
    • Vella (Twin Swords) - Active: Cyclone


Arisha - Spellwhip

  • Increased Active: Chaos Symphony's stun duration on the enemy monster by 1 second.


Vella - Twin Swords

  • Increased Active: Cyclone's stun duration on the enemy monster by 1 second.


Developer's Notes:

As part of the modifications to Charon and Kai's skills above, we've added a 1 second stun for Arisha (Spellwhip) and Vella (Twin Swords) to prevent monsters from attacking them when they're using their suppression moves.

We've retained the duration of the time you are unable to control your character while the characters are using the suppression moves.

The issue where you are unable to combo after Hurk's Active: Terminus and Evie's Active: Reverse Gravity are currently put on hold as there are additional things we need to verify.

There's a problem where using Hurk's Active: Terminus and entering an additional input could extend the animation, creating buggy gameplay that disables combos.

We'll first need to decide on which direction we want to go with the fix.

Also, Evie's Active: Reverse Gravity is not set as her main suppression move so the fix has been delayed.



2. Items


  • Changed the required count to obtain the following titles:

Title Name

Acquisition Condition

Required Count (Previous)

Required Count (After Change)

Black Belly Evader

Defeat Black Belly (P)



Kobold Archer Nightmare

Defeat Kobold Archer with spears



Plop plop plop!

Defeat Jellies with kicks (P)



Steel Blade Breaker

Destroy a part of the Knight (P)



Princely Blade Breaker

Destroy a part of Blood Prince (P)



Blade Breaker

Destroy a part of the Flicker (P)



Veiny Maniac

Destroy a part of Goliath (P)



Runaway Helmet Breaker

Destroy a part of Black Scar (P)



Pot Head

Destroy Erg Pot (P)



Campfire Expert

Make a campfire



Master Reviver

Use Phoenix Feather



Godly Reviver

Use Phoenix Feather



Trustworthy Party Reviver

Use Party Revival Feather



Saintly Party Reviver

Use Party Revival Feather



Chief Killer

Clear Kobold Chief battle quest (P)



Entertained by the Prince

Clear Blood Prince battle quest (P)



Entertained by the Runaway

Clear The Fleeing Gnoll King battle quest (P)



Entertained by Rockjaw

Clear Yeti King battle quest (P)



Something Honored

Defeat Morgue (P)



Hate Drill

Defeat Drill Rant (P)



Master Scrapper

Destroy Bark No. 1's parts (P)



No. 2

Destroy Bark No. 1's parts (P)



Dead Battery

Disrupt Juggernaut's Recharge (P)



Reckless Bomber

Disrupt Juggernaut's Recharge (P)



Walking Nightmare

Stop the Succubus Queen's nightmare



Sound the Alarm

Get drained by the Blood Lord Reborn



What a Pal

Stop Zecallion's execution attack




  • The following title stats have been revised.

Title Name

Added Abilities

Full of Confidence

+10 STR

I Never Liked Lann

+4 INT

I Could Kick Your Lann's Ass

+4 INT

I Never Liked Fiona

+4 STR, +4 INT

I Could Kick Your Fiona's Ass

+2 STR, +4 INT

I Never Liked Evie

+2 STR, +4 INT

I Could Kick Your Evie's Ass

+4 INT

I Never Liked Karok

+2 STR, +4 INT

I Could Kick Your Karok's Ass

+4 INT

Doppel Toppler

+2 STR, +4 INT

King Doppelpopolous

+4 INT


Ancient Title Destiny Box

  • The following titles have been added to the "Ancient Title Destiny Box" for each character.

Title Item Name

Available Characters

Title: I Never Liked Lann


Title: I Could Kick Your Lann's Ass


Title: I Never Liked Fiona


Title: I Could Kick Your Fiona's Ass


Title: I Never Liked Evie


Title: I Could Kick Your Evie's Ass


Title: I Never Liked Karok


Title: I Could Kick Your Karok's Ass


Title: Doppel Toppler

Character that's not Lann, Fiona, Evie, or Karok

Title: King Doppelpopolous

Character that's not Lann, Fiona, Evie, or Karok


  • Made the following changes to how characters receive Fine Aromatic/Hero's Aromatic/Premium Bath Soap effects:
    • If a character already has a Bath Soap effect applied and enters a Hot Spring with a different Bath Soap applied, the existing effect will disappear and the new Bath Soap effect will be applied.
    • For example, if a character is receiving the Fine Aromatic Bath Soap effect and decides to use a Hot Spring with the Hero's Aromatic Bath Soap or Premium Bath Soap effect active, the existing Fine Aromatic Bath Soap effect will disappear and the character can receive the corresponding Hero's Aromatic Bath Soap or Premium Bath Soap effect.
    • We have made no changes in regards to which Bath Soap is prioritized to be used in the Hot Springs.
    • Just as before, you can only use stronger Bath Soaps with Hot Springs that already contain Bath Soaps.



3. Battle

  • In the Sidhe Palace battle, when Kai was hit by Bres's fatal skill, the issue where he would temporarily disappear from the screen during the animation has been fixed.
  • The HP of monsters that appear in the Paradise Crossed battle has been adjusted.
    • Ragnahim's HP has been decreased 70% compared to before.
    • Commander Type Ragnahim's HP has been decreased 20% compared to before.



4. Redeemers Changes

  • Increased the progression increase for completing the Tree of Life battle once from 4% to 25%.
  • Changed the Rookie Redeemer effect applied to the Tree of Life battle.
    • Previous: Can revive up to 3x if you have cleared less than 5 times
    • Updated: Can revive up to 8x if you have cleared less than 5 times
    • Changing the condition to earn [Full Force] for battles Sea of Reflection, Dark Side of the Moon, Tempering the Sword and Tree of Life, from completing the battles 50 times to 30 times.
  • If a character has completed 30 or more battles previously, then they can immediately use Full Force.
  • Changing the number of battles that need to be completed to earn Redeemers Seals and Mission Seals from 50 to 30.
  • Redeemers related changes will be added to  the play guide's 'Guide Missions' descriptions and Help descriptions.



5. Misc.

  • Fixed an issue where the Invulnerable effect was sometimes not applied post-Revival, when a player was Incapacitated while in an Invulnerable state and was then revived with Goddess Grace.
  • The Triumph Medal Exchange Shop is no longer available.
  • We have removed Triumph Medal-related information from the "Join a Guild" descriptions in Step 11 of Help and Guide Missions.


  • We're including a feature that allows you to turn certain interactions in Colhen on or off.
    • These can be set in Options > Etc. > Other Options.
    • If you have "Disable Colhen Background" checked, all environment audio except for the background music and footsteps will stop playing, and certain animals chasing after the player will disappear.
    • If you have "Disable Colhen Background" unchecked, all environment audio, including the background music and footsteps, will keep playing, and certain animals that chase the player will appear.


  • TP Potions will now be stored in the NX Inventory.