Uaithne Equipment Crafting Guide

  • 8 months ago

<Artisan-Level Expertise>

In order to craft Uaithne equipment, you need Artisan-level Expertise Proficiency.

In order to gain Artisan-level Expertise, gain Professional-level Proficiency up to 399, then talk to the Strange Traveler in Colhen to complete the "High Expertise Artisan" story and proceed with your advancement test.


Each character can learn one Artisan-level Expertise.

If many characters within the account are learning Expertise, you can share the Expertise of highest level to craft items.

Check [Character Window (C) > Talent > Shared Expertise] to see what Expertise is shared.

The items crafted using the plans with the Shared Expertise will not increase Proficiency.

Shared Expertise and plans will be marked with a [*].


Players who haven't increased their Expertise don't need to worry, though, since they can request other players to craft through the new Display Stand feature.


<Equipment Crafting Plans>

Even if you have Artisan-level Expertise, you need crafting plans to craft Uaithne equipment.

The Lv. 120 Uaithne Weapon and Head Armor plans can be obtained (based on their probabilities) after clearing the new raid "The One Who Protects the Altar" while using Core Boost. You can also select the plans you like and purchase them with 3 Sreng's Essences through the Warm Welcome Shop.


Once you have the plans, you need the following materials to craft Uaithne equipment for each of them.

Uaithne Equipment Crafting Materials

Crafting Materials

Uaithne Weapon

Expertise (Artisan)

Weaponsmithing, Goldsmithing

Crafting Materials 1

+15 Orna Weapon x1
All stats tuned to maximum (excluding ATT Surplus)

Crafting Materials 2

Sreng's Essence x4

Crafting Materials 3

Uaithne Fragment: Weapon x2

Crafting Materials 4

Keen Uaithne Crystal x10

Crafting Materials 5

Superior Enhancement Elixir x10

Crafting Materials 6

Extraction Rune x1 (Selected Materials)


Crafting Materials

Uaithne Auxiliary Equipment

Expertise (Artisan)

Armorsmithing, Goldsmithing

Crafting Materials 2

Sreng's Essence x2

Crafting Materials 3

Uaithne Fragment: Auxiliary Equipment x2

Crafting Materials 4

Solid Uaithne Crystal x10


Crafting Materials

Uaithne Helm

Expertise (Artisan)

Armorsmithing, Tailoring

Crafting Materials 1

+15 Orna Helm x1
All stats tuned to maximum (excluding ATT Surplus)

Crafting Materials 2

Sreng's Essence x4

Crafting Materials 3

Uaithne Fragment: Head Armor x2

Crafting Materials 4

Solid Uaithne Crystal x10

Crafting Materials 5

Superior Enhancement Elixir x10

Crafting Materials 6

Extraction Rune x1 (Selected Materials)


Uaithne Equipment Advancement Materials

  • Unlike the existing enhancement system, equipment advancement has a 100% success rate and does not rely on chance.

Advancement Equipment Name

Uaithne Beginner Weapon

Advancement Stage

Basic -> Beginner

Material Item 1

Uaithne Weapon

Material Item 2

1,000,000 Gold

Material Item 3

Uaithne Advancement Stone: Weapon x1

Material Item 4

Sreng's Essence x1

Material Item 5

Uaithne Fragment: Weapon x1

Material Item 6

Keen Uaithne Crystal x10

Material Item 7

Premium Enhancement Rune x2

Material Item 8

Jardin Steel x15


Advancement Equipment Name

Beginner Uaithne Helm

Fine Uaithne Helm

Superior Uaithne Helm

Rare Uaithne Helm

Legendary Uaithne Helm

Advancement Stage

Basic -> Beginner

Beginner -> Fine

Fine -> Superior

Superior -> Rare

Rare -> Legendary

Material Item 1

Uaithne Helm

Beginner Uaithne Helm

Fine Uaithne Helm

Superior Uaithne Helm

Rare Uaithne Helm

Material Item 2

500,000 Gold

750,000 Gold

1,150,000 Gold

1,700,000 Gold

2,500,000 Gold

Material Item 3

Uaithne Advancement Stone: Head Armor x1

Uaithne Advancement Stone: Head Armor x1

Uaithne Advancement Stone: Head Armor x2

Uaithne Advancement Stone: Head Armor x2

Uaithne Advancement Stone: Head Armor x2

Material Item 4

Sreng's Essence x1

Sreng's Essence x1

Sreng's Essence x1

Sreng's Essence x1

Sreng's Essence x1

Material Item 5

Uaithne Fragment: Head Armor x1

Uaithne Fragment: Head Armor x1

Uaithne Fragment: Head Armor x1

Uaithne Fragment: Head Armor x1

Uaithne Fragment: Head Armor x1

Material Item 6

Solid Uaithne Crystal x5

Solid Uaithne Crystal x5

Solid Uaithne Crystal x10

Solid Uaithne Crystal x10

Solid Uaithne Crystal x10

Material Item 7

Premium Armor Enhancement Rune x1

Premium Armor Enhancement Rune x1

Premium Armor Enhancement Rune x2

Premium Armor Enhancement Rune x2

Premium Armor Enhancement Rune x2

Material Item 8

Jardin Steel x5

Jardin Steel x11

Jardin Steel x24

Jardin Steel x53

Jardin Steel x117

Material Item 9


Superior Enhancement Elixir x5

Superior Enhancement Elixir x10

Superior Enhancement Elixir x14

Superior Enhancement Elixir x30


<Where to Get Materials?>

The following details how to obtain these newly added materials from the level cap expansion. These appear in all the crafting plans.


Sreng's Essence

Sreng's Essence is a core material that's needed in both the crafting and advancing of Uaithne Weapons, Auxiliary Equipment, and Head Armor.

Sreng's Essence can be obtained in the following ways:

  • Obtain (based on probability) by clearing "The One Who Protects the Altar" while using a Core Boost.
  • Complete the Weekly Raid Battle Mission "The One Who Protects the Altar" 7 times.
  • Uaithne Seal Shop: Exchange for 3 Uaithne Seals.


Uaithne Fragment (Uaithne Fragment: Weapon, Uaithne Fragment: Head Armor, Uaithne Fragment: Auxiliary Equipment)

In order to craft or advance Uaithne equipment, the corresponding fragments for each part are needed.

Uaithne fragments can be obtained in the following ways:

  • Set Chance to Obtain from New Lv. 120 Raid, "The One Who Protects the Altar." (Does not need Core Boost.)
  • Purchase from the Seal Shop Using "Uaithne Seals" that can be Obtained by Completing Weekly/Monthly Missions.
    • Uaithne Fragment: Weapon/Uaithne Fragment: Head Armor can be exchanged for 4 Uaithne Seals.
    • Uaithne Fragment: Auxiliary Equipment can be exchanged for 2 Uaithne Seals.


Keen/Solid Uaithne Crystal

Keen and Solid Uaithne Crystals are different items from Uaithne Crystals. Uaithne Crystals are used as materials to craft Mysterious Crystals and Abyssal Crystals.

Meanwhile, Keen Uaithne Crystals are used for Uaithne weapons and Solid Uaithne Crystals are used for Uaithne armor.

Keen/Solid Uaithne Crystals can be obtained in the following ways:

  • Set Chance to Obtain from New Lv. 120 Raid, "The One Who Protects the Altar." (Does not need Core Boost.)
  • Purchase from the Seal Shop Using "Uaithne Seals" that can be Obtained by Completing Weekly/Monthly Missions.
    • Keen/Solid Uaithne Crystals can both be exchanged for 1 Uaithne Seal each.


Uaithne Seal

Uaithne equipment materials can be obtained as loot (based on probability) in "The One Who Protects the Altar," but it is also possible to obtain them regularly by consistently playing the weekly and monthly missions. These can be achieved based on the number of Lv. 120 raid battles are cleared, and you can obtain Uaithne Seals as a reward.

  • Weekly Mission: Clear Lv. 120 battle 7 times to obtain 1 Uaithne Seal.
  • Monthly Mission: Clear Lv. 120 battle 30 times to obtain 2 Uaithne Seals.


Enhancement Catalyst Item and Additional Orna Equipment Enhancement Materials

With the level cap expansion, Orna Seals will be added as a reward to Weekly/Monthly missions. These can be used to obtain more Orna equipment enhancement materials.

  • Weekly Mission: Clear Lv. 115 battle 20 times to obtain 2 Orna Seals. Clear Lv. 110 battle 20 times to obtain 1 Orna Seal.
  • Monthly Mission: Clear Lv. 115 battle 50 times to obtain 4 Orna Seals. Clear Lv. 110 battle 50 times to obtain 2 Orna Seals.

The main Orna equipment enhancement material, a Superior Enhancement Elixir, can be exchanged for 2 Orna Seals. Players you consistently play Weekly/Monthly missions with can gain the materials regularly.


Enhancement Catalyst items can be crafted. The plans will be automatically obtained upon achieving Artisan-level for each Expertise.

Enhancement Catalyst is a supporting item that can be used when enhancing +11 or higher Orna equipment to increase enhancement chance by 10%.

Crafted Item

Orna Weapon Enhancement Catalyst

Orna Armor Enhancement Catalyst: Chest, Legs

Orna Armor Enhancement Catalyst: Head, Hands, Feet

Expertise (Artisan)

Weaponsmithing, Goldsmithing

Armorsmithing, Tailoring

Armorsmithing, Tailoring

Material Item 1

Orna's Essence: Weapon x8

Orna's Essence: Chest Armor x3

Orna's Essence: Head Armor x3

Material Item 2

Keen Succession Ore x4

Orna's Essence: Leg Armor x3

Orna's Essence: Hand Armor x3

Material Item 3

Stable Succession Ore x4

Solid Succession Ore x2

Orna's Essence: Feet Armor x3

Material Item 4

Lightweight Succession Ore x4

Smooth Succession Ore x4

Solid Succession Ore x3

Material Item 5

Perfect Succession Ore x4

Sealed Power: Fragment x100

Sealed Power: Fragment x100

Material Item 6

Sealed Power: Fragment x100

Inherited Power: Fragment x100

Inherited Power: Fragment x100

Material Item 7

Inherited Power: Fragment x100

