Regarding Recent Urgent Maintenance

  • 5 years ago


Greetings Mercenaries,

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience today’s unscheduled urgent maintenance may have caused, (due to the incorrect Razer Event Reward Distribution issue - distribution of Eira Registration Package in place of Luck Blessing Stone) and we thank you for your patience throughout. The Razer Event Reward Distribution Issue has been dealt as follows:

  • Removal of the incorrectly sent Razer Event Reward from mailbox.
  • Removal of incorrectly sent Razer Event Reward contents (if Eira Registration Packages have been opened).
  • Distribution of correct Razer Event Reward.

As a token of our appreciation for your patience, we would like to offer you the following compensation. All users will be receiving a [Gallagher’s Desire] in their mailbox as today’s unscheduled urgent maintenance compensation.

Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience that this may have caused, and we truly thank you for your understanding.

* Important Note: You could be held responsible for any abusive actions taken from this incident and we may take further actions if necessary.

- The Vindictus Team