Happy St. Patrick's Day Event

  • 4 years ago

Event Period:  March 9th 2021 - March 23rd 2021

Exchange Shop Period: March 9th 2021 - March 30th 2021


We are giving various rewards to celebrate St. Patrick's Day!


Event Details

* Per-character event (Lv. 30+)

1) The first Lv. 30+ character you log in with during the event will receive St. Patrick's Day Outfit Set (14 Days) x1 via mail.

  • This box the outfit comes in via mail expires 3/30 at 7 AM UTC.
  • The outfit itself expires 14 days from the moment you open the box.
  • You will automatically receive an item that fits your current character upon opening the box.
  • The outfit consists of four parts, grants no Wardrobe Points, and has the following stats:
    • ATT/M. ATT +280
    • BAL +2
    • MVT SPD (Town) +20

2) Once per day throughout the event, Clover Ticket x2 will be sent to your mail upon logging in. You can also earn two more Clover Tickets by completing daily missions.

  • Exchange Clover Tickets for all kinds of goodies at the Exchange Shop!
  • Tickets expire 3/30 at 7 AM UTC.


Exchange Shop

Item Name Quantity Coupon Exchange Limitation Tradability Expiration Date
Green-Green Dye Destiny Box 1 12 3 per character Bound to Character 04/09 7AM UTC
Title: Enjoy the Green-Hued Festival! 1 12 1 per character Bound to Character -
St. Patrick's Day Epaulet (2 Weeks) 1 8 1 per character Bound to Character 2 Weeks
Clover Juice 1 1 - Bound to Character 04/09 7AM UTC

* St. Patrick's Day Epaulet stats: ATT/M. ATT +300, DEF +300, LUK +3, and Balance +2

* Clover Juice effects: Same as Party Merc Recovery Potion.


Green-Green Dye Destiny Box Content List

Item Name Color Reference
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) R0 G255 B153
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) [R0 G153 B102]
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) [R0 G255 B204]
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) [R127 G255 B0]
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) [R51 G204 B204]
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) [R153 G255 B204]
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled)

[R0 G111 B122]


3) Celebrating St. Patrick's Day, you can find 4 green event hair colors and 1 green event body color at the Avatar Shop!

  • Sale Period: 03/09 - 03/23


Categories Color Name Color Image
Hair [Event] Cartoonish Green  
[Event] Shamrock Green  
[Event] Spring Green  
[Event] Jade Green  
Skin [Event] Shamrock Green