Ver. 2.77 Update Note

  • 3 years ago

Table of Contents
1. New Redeemers: Tree of Life
2. Redeemers Changes and Items
3. Convenience Update (Shortcut Key, Combo Key, and Quick Slot)
4. Expertise
5. Other Changes


1. New Redeemers: Tree of Life

  • New: added the fourth Redeemers battle, the Tree of Life.
    • Laura will be the boss of this battle.
    • Depart for it through the NPC Tuathal in Berbhe.
    • Up to eight Lv. 105+ players can participate.
  • Completing the Tree of Life will boost progress, which in turns grants special perks.
  • Claim various goods from the Box of Labor: Redeemers that drops from the Tree of Life!
  • New: added the Annihilation Annihilator emote. Claim it by conquering the Tree of Life!


  • New: added story related to the 4th Redeemers.
    • Complete the Paradise Crossed story to unlock the details for below battle.
    • Tree of Life

2. Redeemers Changes and Items

[Dark Side of the Moon]

  • Conquer Dark Side of the Moon to boost progress by 25% per battle won.
  • Changed: the Rookie Redeemer boon for players who have conquered Dark Side of the Moon fewer than 5 times has been adjusted.
    • Separately from the existing revival rules, players will revive 8 times when incapacitated.

[Tempering the Sword]

  • Conquer Tempering the Sword to boost progress by 2% per battle won.
  • The Rookie Redeemer boon will be in effect until Tempering the Sword has been conquered 5 times.
    • Separately from the existing revival rules, players will revive 3 times when incapacitated.
  • New: added the Hell difficulty.
    • [Hell] Tempering the Sword
    • Complete the Tempering the Sword battle 5+ times to unlock the details about this difficulty.
    • Hell Redeemers battles can be conquered once a week.


  • New: added the Mission Seal, a new Redeemers seal.
    • Unlock the chance to earn this seal upon conquering the Tree of Life 101 times.
    • Redeemers Seals earned from Sea of Reflection, Dark Side of the Moon, and Tempering the Sword remain unchanged.
  • New: added Mission Seal Shop, a place to exchange Mission Seals for various items like below.
    • New Brooch - Seraphic Feathers Brooch.
    • New Material - Of Deities and Heroes.
    • And more stuff!
  • Craft the Seraphic Feathers Brooch from NPC Brynn by using the Red Moon Brooch and Of Deities and Heroes.
  • Changed: the description shown on the Redeemers Seal tooltip, etc., has been adjusted to the below.
    • A seal earned for challenging the Sea of Reflection, Dark Side of the Moon, or Tempering the Sword over 100 times each. Can be exchanged for various items via the Seal Shop.


  • Changed: the following boss monsters in Redeemers no longer get blood on them even when hit by the player character. 
    • Set Menu (Shortcut Key: T) > Options > [Video] tab> [Advanced] > Particle Effects: High to restore the blood effect. 
      • Neamhain
      • Balor
      • Brigid
      • Laura

[Other Changes]

  • Description for the previously existing Redeemer boxes changed and Box of Labor: Redeemers shall be added as below. (Only the description has been changed, the items within the box has not been changed)
  • Changed Descriptions
    • Box of Dogma: Redeemers
      A box for the truly dogmatic who have conquered a Redeemers battle.
    • Box of Resolve: Redeemers
      A box for the truly resolute who have conquered a Redeemers battle.
    • Box of Valor: Redeemers
      A box for the truly valorous who have conquered a Redeemers battle.
    • Box of Labor: Redeemers
      A box for the truly laborious who have conquered a Redeemers battle.

3. Convenience Update (Shortcut Key, Combo Key, Quick Slot)

[Shortcut Key]

  • Key bindings are now saved on the server. Shortcuts will now be saved even when logging in from a different PC! 
  • Shortcut key information from the like player characters (e.g. between two Arisha characters) will remain the same.
    • Any edited shortcut key information must be saved to be loaded when logging in again.

[Combo Key]

  • New: added a feature to set shortcut keys by combining keys with the [Ctrl] key.
    • Set [Ctrl] combo keys for each Equip (1, 2, 3) tab under Storage Chest > Battle Inventory.
    • Set [Ctrl] key + another key of choice as a shortcut key.
  • New: added a feature to set shortcut keys by combining keys with the [Shift] key.
    • Set [Shift] combo keys for each Equip (1, 2, 3) tab under Storage Chest > Battle Inventory.
    • Set [Shift] key + another key of choice as a shortcut key.
    • Change the shortcut keys for moving chat tabs, which were previously set to [Ctrl] + [`], [1] - [0], and set these combo keys for other commands.
  • Enter key and the Enter key in the numpad cannot be set as a shortcut key, whether as a single key or combo key.
    • When binding the Quick Slot to a number on the numpad, it will show as "K#" on the UI.
    • When binding the Quick Slot to a [Ctrl] combo key, it will show as "C+single key" on the UI.
    • When binding the Quick Slot to a [Shift] combo key, it will show as "S+single key" on the UI.
  • New: added a warning notification window for duplicate key binding.
    • If the key being set is already bound, a warning notification window will be displayed. Select "Yes" to overwrite the current binding for the new one.
  • Emotes can be used with combo keys.
  • Combo keys cannot be set under key binding > Move and Battle categories. 
  • Notes
    • [Shift] + numpad combo keys cannot be used if [NumLock] is enabled.

[Quick Slot]

  • New: added the third Expanded Quick Slot.
    • Set Show Expanded Quick Slot 3 under Menu (Shortcut Key: T) > Options > at the bottom of UI Settings tab.
    • Bring the mouse cursor near the Expanded Quick Slot 3 to show transparent UI. Move the UI by dragging an empty slot.
  • Changed: the settings so that items assigned to Quick Slot are not removed by right-clicking with the existing Menu (Shortcut Key: T) > Options > UI Settings tab > UI Settings section > Battle UI Move Lock. 
    • Battle UI cannot be moved when this setting is applied to prevent cases of Quick Slot-assigned items being unintentionally removed in various circumstances.
    • Apply the setting by pressing the Battle UI Move Lock button. It is still possible to assign or replace items even when applied.

4. Expertise

As explained in the advance notice after the 6/1 (Tue.) maintenance, the following updates related to Expertise will be implemented after the 6/15 (Tue.) maintenance.

  • Items that can be dismantled with Expertise: if traded with a character under another account via Marketplace or mail, the item will become binding.
  • When dismantling with Expertise: if the item being dismantled allows for neither Marketplace nor mail trading, the dismantled item will become binding.
  • When crafting with Expertise: if material that is untradable via Marketplace or mail is included, the crafted item will become binding.
    • Account shareable material will also turn the crafted item into a binding item.
    • Before crafting an item, a pop-up window will display to if the item to be crafted is binding or not. (This pop-up window will also display when crafting through NPCs.)
  • Only for Talent: Cooking among the Expertise, the material item's binding attribute does not affect the crafted result item's tradability attribute.
    • For example, even if a feast-type item is made using the Pepper of Bonding, the feast item will not become binding and can be placed in the Guild Storage.

5. Other Changes

  • Fixed: an issue where the random voices were abnormal for Delia's character creation screen > Listen to Emote.
  • Changed: exclusive inner armor colors, set under Wardrobe's Appearance Management > Appearance Settings area > Preview in Colhen, are now saved.
  • Changed: the duration of the currently-running Lv. 100 Damascus Steel On-Time Event V2 and expiration for the Damascus Steels earned from the event have been extended to 7/6 7 AM UTC to 7/13 7 AM UTC. (This does not increase the max number of Damascus Steels that can be earned.)