Vindictus Summer Vacation Event

  • 2 years ago

Thank you for participating the event!!

Here are the TOP5 winners for the event!

[List (based on IGN submitted)]

Tony / Riesse / Karamyth / XiaoMaou / AlunaKo

Congratulation!! And thank you everyone for your wonderful participation. 

The Special GM Coin shall be delivered during next week's maintenance.

[Image by Tony]


[Image by Riesse]

[Image by Karamyth]

[Image by XiaoMaou]

[Image by AlunaKo]


Event Period: 7/19 (Tue.) - 8/23 (Tue.)


What kind of summer getaway are you planning?

The heroes of Vindictus need vacations too. Sure, constantly fighting to the death against unspeakable horrors with powers behind comprehension seems like a relaxing job, but even that can wear you out. Take a screenshot of your characters kicking back during the summer vacation to capture the memories of 2022's blazing hot summer!


Event Info

Take a screenshot of your character during summer vacation and share it on the discord channel.

If we top 50 screenshots during the event period, we'll hand out event rewards to all.

You cannot submit multiple screenshots. If you do, only the most recently shared one will count.

Special event rewards will be given to the five best screenshots.



When participating, please make sure to include the server and character names.


Reward Info



Total Reward

GM Coin x10

Best 5 Screenshots Reward

GM Coin x10