Upcoming NX Prepaid and NX Credit Merge

  • 1 year ago

Dear Mercenaries,


In relation with the NX Prepaid and Credit merge please be informed the below changes.

  • NX Prepaid and NX Credit shall be merged into one currency which would be My NX.
    • There shall be no currency distinction when purchasing on Supply Depot, Avatar Shop, Outfitter Shop.
    • The amount possessed before the merge shall be combined into My NX.
  • Restriction of items not being able to purchase with NX Credit shall be removed.
  • Restriction of items not being able to gift to other users with NX Credit shall be removed.
  • However any other limitation on the Supply Depot items such as 'purchase level limit' and 'purchasable quantity limit' shall be maintained.
  • Payment policy shall remain the same in accordance with the NEXON Americas Term of Use.


Thank You.

Vindictus Team


Additional notice in relation with NX Prepaid and Credit Merge


Please be aware that after October 4th maintenance and until additional maintenance which shall be held on October 5th, NX Prepaid text shall temporarily displayed as My NX.


Thank you.

Vindictus Team


Along with the other titles serviced by NEXON, Vindictus will be merging NX Prepaid and Credit on October 5th.   


* Additional Maintenance Schedule: 10/5 13:00 ~ 17:00 UTC


You will no longer have to have inconvenience with two different payment method.

NX Prepaid and Credit possessed before October 5th maintenance shall be merged to NX.  

After the merge, the restriction for specific items not being able to purchase with Credit shall no longer be applied.

However, the current Terms of Use related to the refund policy shall be applied to the merged currency.


More specific details for the merge shall be notified on the scheduled maintenance.


Thank You.

Vindictus Team