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April Supply Depot: To the Top Comrade and Pet Package

  • 1 year ago



Sale Period: 4/25/2023 (Tue.) - 5/23/2023 (Tue.)


To the Top Comrade Package




Price (NX)

To the Top Comrade Package


Account Tradable

(Cannot be gifted)

Airtight Comrade Destiny Box


99,000 NX


[Airtight Comrade Destiny Box Contents]

Airtight Comrade: Succubus

Airtight Comrade: Arcana

Airtight Comrade: Neamhain

Airtight Comrade: Claire

Airtight Comrade: Regina

Airtight Comrade: Siete



- Once a comrade is bound to a character, they can't be shared with other characters within an account.

- However, characters with two or more comrades with Eternal Contract can share them with other characters on the same account.



To the Top Pet Package




Price (NX)

To the Top Pet Package


Account Tradable

(Cannot be gifted)

Rare Pet Destiny Box


79,000 NX

Special Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule Destiny Box (33 Colors)



[Rare Pet Destiny Box Contents]

Hellfairy Maxie

Hellfairy Jessie

Hellfairy Debbie

Hellfairy Cassie

Desert Princess Iset

White Lotus Iset

Ruler of the Sun Iset

Little Red Riding Iset

Radiant Lugh Lamhfada

Elven Lugh Lamhfada

Prince Lugh Lamhfada

Scrappy Gremlin

Sorcerous Gremlin

Roguish Gremlin

Pious Gremlin

Brave Knight Keaghan

Golden Knight Keaghan

Platinum Knight Keaghan

Enraged Knight Keaghan

Elven Queen Regina

Spring Sun Regina

Autumn Air Regina

Winter Wonder Regina

Arcana the Royal

Arcana the Crimson

Arcana the Pure

Arcana the Glorious


[Special Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule Destiny Box Contents]

Items Quantity Properties Color Value
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R210 G210 B0
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R97 G12 B177
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R239 G250 B46
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R16 G0 B220
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R225 G84 B186
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R255 G218 B230
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R200 G15 B15
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R0 G0 B80
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R220 G84 B186
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R255 G51 B0
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R147 G1 B38
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R255 G125 B5
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R255 G111 B97
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R242 G66 B42
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R255 G204 B255
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R127 G255 B0
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R51 G204 B204
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R204 G236 B255
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R153 G255 B204
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R0 G111 B122
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R1 G83 B157
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R255 G20 B147
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R153 G153 B255
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R138 G43 B226
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R255 G70 B197
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R190 G163 B209
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R249 G213 B211
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R17 G20 B47
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R80 G0 B0
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R204 G204 B255
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R242 G195 B166
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R255 G230 B210
Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Filled) 1 Bound to Character R0 G80 B0