Ver. 3.03 Update Note

  • 1 year ago

Ver. 3.03 Update Note

Table of Contents

  1. New Character Update: Achel
  2. Battle Circuit Improvements
  3. Item Changes
  4. Other Changes


■ New Character: Achel

  • Added Achel, the 23rd hero of Vindictus.

* Achel is a warrior who uses a Hasta and a Grand Targe.

  • Added weapons exclusively for Achel.

* Hasta

  • Added auxiliary equipment exclusively for Achel.

* Grand Targe

  • Added equipment exclusively for Achel.

* Lorica Musculata Set

* Fortis Bellator Set

  • Added exclusive equipment for Achel in Expertise.

* Hasta, the exclusive weapon for Achel, can be crafted using the Weaponsmithing Expertise.

* Grand Targe, the exclusive auxiliary equipment for Achel, can be crafted using the Armorsmithing Expertise.

* The Lorica Musculata Set, the exclusive armor for Achel, can be crafted using the Armorsmithing Expertise.

* The Fortis Bellator Set, the exclusive armor for Achel, can be crafted using the Armorsmithing Expertise.


[Partholon Vanguard]

  • Added Vanguard Missions that require Achel's specialties.


[Friendship System]

  • Added Achel, the 23rd merc.

* He will appear in the Mercenary Lounge.

* You can talk to him, and depart for missions together.

* Friendship Achievements related to him have been added.

* You can have chance encounters with him in Colhen.

  • Added Achel's Chitchat and Acquaintance stage short stories.


[Voice Emotes]

  • Added 30 voice emotes for Achel.

* You can preview voice emotes for Achel under the Emote window's Emotes tab.

  • Voice emotes can be purchased with Friendship Seals from the Friendship Seal Shop.



  • Added 1 basic character slot.


■ Battle Circuit Improvements

  • The beta for the Battle Circuit system is ending.
  • Buttons related to the Save Preset function have been separated into the "Create Circuit Settings" window for clarity.
  • Added the Space Time Distortion battle to the Circuit List.
  • When joining a party from the "Join Party" list, you can check the Quick Prep option to enter in Ready status.

* During subsequent Battle Circuits, the [F12] key can be entered to change to Ready status.

  • Fixed the issue of a new Fatigue Point value not being applied, and being unable to continue battle if Fatigue Points are recovered when they are at 0 during a Battle Circuit.
  • A Battle Circuit party can now be created from town.

* To create, check "Battle Circuit" from the Menu (Shortcut Key 'T')' → 'Party' → [Create Party] window.

* After creating a party, you can set details and enter battles from the Battle Circuit pop-up (Shortcut Key 'G').

  • When promoting a party created for a Battle Circuit, Battle Circuit text can now be added to the Promotion tab, in order to differentiate it from other parties.


■ Item Changes

[Weapon Effect Changes]

  • To allow weapon effects to be selectable, the "Hide/Show Weapon Enhancement Effect" option, which previously toggled when you clicked the left eye icon in the [Battle Inventory] weapon slot, has been changed as follows.

* When you click on the eye icon to the left of the weapon slot, a pop-up where you can set the weapon effect will appear.

* Weapon effects can only be changed while in town or from the Wardrobe. Effects can be set differently for each equipment slot.

* When "Automatically Apply Max Effect" is selected in the Weapon Effect Settings pop-up, the most recently unlocked effects for the currently equipped weapon and armor will automatically be applied.

* If you personally select the Weapon Effect level, the selected effect will be maintained even if the weapon and armor are changed.

  However, if the selected effect is locked when the weapon or armor is changed, the most recently unlocked effect will be automatically selected.

* The requirements for the selectable effects are as follows.

Equipped Weapon

+6 Weapon


+7 Weapon


+8 Weapon


+9 Weapon


+10 Weapon


+11 Weapon


+12 Weapon


+13 Weapon


+14 Weapon


+15 Weapon


+6 Weapon

Can Be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

+7 Weapon

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

+8 Weapon

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

+9 Weapon

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

+10 Weapon

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

+11 Weapon

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

+12 Weapon

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

+13 Weapon

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

+14 Weapon

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Cannot be Selected

+15 Weapon

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected


Equipped Weapon & Armor

Dawn Effect

Twilight Effect

Darkness Effect

Centipede Strike Effect

Thunder Effect

+15 Weapon and +2 ATT Limit Removal (Max) Equipment

Can Be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

+15 Weapon and +3 ATT Limit Removal (Max) Equipment

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

+15 Weapon and +4 ATT Limit Removal (Max) Equipment

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Cannot be Selected

Cannot be Selected

+15 Weapon and +5 ATT Limit Removal (Max) Equipment

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Cannot be Selected

+15 Weapon and +6 ATT Limit Removal (Max) Equipment

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

Can Be Selected

* If you have a +16 or higher weapon, you can select the Dawn to Thunder effects based on the enhancement value, regardless of the ATT Limit Removal value.


[Changes Related to Composite Material Dismantling]

  1. Reduced the number of Sealed Power: Fragments and Inherited Power: Fragments obtained from dismantling the following Level 100 or below composite material items.

Item Name

Before Change

After Change

Regina's Feather:



Weapon / Head, Chest, Leg, Hand, or Feet Armor / Shield / Large Shield / Grand Targe

Braha's Essence:



Weapon / Head, Chest, Leg, Hand, or Feet Armor / Shield / Large Shield / Grand Targe

 Terminus Sentinel Essence:



Weapon / Head, Chest, Leg, Hand, or Feet Armor / Shield / Large Shield / Grand Targe

Lugh Lamhfada's Essence:



Weapon / Head, Chest, Leg, Hand, or Feet Armor / Shield / Large Shield / Grand Targe

Abomination's Essence:



Weapon / Head, Chest, Leg, Hand, or Feet Armor / Shield / Large Shield / Grand Targe

Keen, Stable, Lightweight, Perfect, Sturdy, or Smooth Legendary Shard



 Dullahan's Essence: Weapon / Head, Chest, Leg, Hand, or Feet Armor



Keen, Stable, Lightweight, Perfect, Sturdy, or Smooth Legendary Chunk



Astera's Essence: Weapon / Head, Chest, Leg, Hand, or Feet Armor



Keen, Stable, Lightweight, Perfect, Sturdy, or Smooth Legendary Ore




  1. Increased the number of Sealed Power: Fragments and Inherited Power: Fragments obtained from dismantling the following Level 105 to 115 composite material items.

Item Name

Before Change

After Change

Milletian's Essence: Weapon / Head, Chest, Leg, Hand, or Feet Armor



Keen, Stable, Lightweight, Perfect, Sturdy, or Smooth Succession Shard



Ardri's Essence: Weapon / Head, Chest, Leg, Hand, or Feet Armor



Keen, Stable, Lightweight, Perfect, Sturdy, or Smooth Legacy Shard



Orna's Essence: Weapon / Head, Chest, Leg, Hand, or Feet Armor



Keen, Stable, Lightweight, Perfect, Sturdy, or Smooth Succession Ore




  1. Untradable Sealed Power: Fragments, Inherited Power: Fragments, and Eternal Legacy are now obtained when untradable composite materials are dismantled.
  • If an untradable composite material is used for dismantling, the obtained material will also be untradable.

   The above change is being made to prevent people from monopolizing composite materials in the Marketplace and inflating the price.


  1. Untradable Sealed Power: Fragments, Inherited Power: Fragments, and Eternal Legacy are now obtained when Binding composite items, such as weapons and armor, are dismantled.
  • As with the composite materials in number 3 above, if the item being dismantled is untradable, untradable Sealed Power: Fragments and Inherited Power: Fragments are obtained.

  * The Mysterious Shards and Abyssal Shards obtained during dismantling will be untradable as before.

[Note] The following items will have the same properties as before if obtained by using an Extraction Rune.

 - Account Tradable 1x: Mysterious Shard, Abyssal Shard, Paradise Material, New Era Material.

 - Tradable: Sealed Power: Fragments, Inherited Power: Fragments, Eternal Legacy

 - Untradable: Enchant Scroll

* The following has been added to the Airtight Extraction Rune and Extraction Rune item tooltips.

- "However, Sealed Power: Fragments, Inherited Power: Fragments, and Eternal Legacy, obtained through extraction, can be traded at the Marketplace."


During today's server maintenance, the following items which were listed in the Marketplace or sent via COD were expired.

  • Affected Items: All composite material items Lv. 90 - 115, composite items (weapon/armor) Lv. 90 - 115, Sealed Power: Fragments, Inherited Power: Fragments.
  • For Marketplace listed items: Items and listing fees have been returned to the lister's mailbox.
  • COD Mail: Items and mail fees have been returned to the sender's mailbox.


■ Other Changes


  • A confirmation pop-up will now appear when enchanting equipment that cannot be dismantled or extracted, and when synthesizing an ATT Limit Removal material.
  • Fixed the issue of the story description not appearing when viewing some Season 2 battles if the related story was completed a long time ago.



  • Fixed the issue of Guardian of the East battles intermittently not starting.
  • The light pillar effect will no longer be seen when obtaining the following loot after a battle.

Item Name

Dullahan's Essence: Weapon / Head, Chest, Leg, Hand, or Feet Armor / Shield / Large Shield

Keen, Stable, Lightweight, Perfect, Sturdy, or Smooth Legendary Chunk

Dullahan's Essence

Aes Sidhe's Essence

Scattered Essence Box

Astera's Essence: Weapon / Head, Chest, Leg, Hand, or Feet Armor

Keen, Stable, Lightweight, Perfect, Sturdy, or Smooth Legendary Ore

Elchulus's Essence

Macha's Essence

Palala's Essence

Eternal Legacy

Ancient Succession

Selren's Essence



  • Fixed the issue of bottom graphics appearing broken when wearing certain bottoms with the Special Golf Wear Shirt.
  • Fixed the issue of a border being visible on the chin of some characters, such as Fiona, when Texture Filtering Mode is set as Bilinear, Trilinear, or Anisotropic 2x.