Table of Contents
- Character Balance Adjustment
- Battle
- Items
- Etc.
1. Character Balance Adjustment
Developer's Notes: We have been examining damage output when characters are equipped with best gear, in the newest raid battle via Battle Circuit, and in Space Time Distortion battles.
From this data, we’ve calculated the strength of skilled players for each combat type, weapon, and skill type used. This is the same foundation we used for the last character balance update in September.
In recent character balances, we've tried to avoid disappointing nerfs for players. Unfortunately, we're forced to apply some nerfs in this patch to address some overpowered characters. In future balances, we'll be more careful and meticulous to make sure that this isn’t necessary. |
■ Letty
- Increased the damage of the following attacks by 8%:
: Trooper: Crushing Blow
: Trooper: Twisting Blow
: Trooper: Piercing Strike
: Trooper: Storm Smite
- Increased the damage of the following attacks by 10%:
: Kradie Blast
: Kradie Burst
: Active: Beautiful Blaze (additional attack)
: Active: Firecracker (bombardment)
: Active: Letty Bomba
Developer's Notes: Letty is underperforming in both Space Time Distortion and Battle Circuit, based on current data. As we've been slowly buffing characters across the board, Letty's position is currently below average in almost every battle, so we're increasing the damage of her primary skills. |
■ Latiya
- Increased the damage of the following attack by 5%:
: Eagle Stab
- Decreased the damage of the following attack by 15%:
: Rhino Rush
Developer's Notes: Latiya's damage is currently very high in Space Time Distortion, especially in the Hall of Fallen Knights battle. We've adjusted the damage of her Rhino Rush skill to make it more balanced. On the other hand, we've found it to be appropriate in Battle Circuit, so we've adjusted the damage of her Eagle Stab skill to offset a potential decrease of her performance in Battle Circuit if we only adjust Rhino Rush. |
■ Hurk - Greatsword
- Increased the damage of the following attacks by 10%:
: Crescent
: Execute
- Decreased the damage of the following attack by 5%:
: Active: Ultimatum
Developer's Notes: Hurk with the Greatsword has been observed to be in the right place in Battle Circuit, but weak in Space Time Distortion. To address this, we're increasing the damage of Crescent and Execute, which take up a higher percentage of his damage in Space Time Distortion. We’re also slightly decreasing the damage of Ultimatum, which makes up a higher percentage of his damage in Battle Circuit, to prevent him from being overpowered there. |
■ Lann - Twin Swords
- Decreased the damage of the following attack by 5%:
: Double Crescent
: Gust Sting
: Active: Radical Fever
- Adjusted Sharp's Critical Rate Increase effect to 15%.
- Adjusted Furious's Critical Rate Increase effect to 15%.
■ Lann - Twin Spears
- Adjusted Fury Infusion's Critical Hit activation probabilities per rank as follows:
: Rank E: 10%
: Rank D: 11%
: Rank C: 12%
: Rank B: 13%
: Rank A: 14%
: Rank 9: 15%
Developer's Notes: We've gotten a lot of feedback from people saying that Lann can have 7% less Critical Rate. Because Lann is very dependent on Crit compared to other characters, adjusting this make it difficult for characters with lower stats to make use of the skill, so we will continue to observe and consider additional changes after the update.
Lann with Twin Swords is currently performing at the top end of both Circuit and Space Time Distortion. As a result, we're toning down some of his skills. |
■ Tessa
- Increased damage of Moonstone's brand by 8%.
- Slightly increased Active: Swan Song's hitbox range.
■ Kael
- Increased the damage of the following attacks by 10%:
: Guardian's Blade: Strike
: Red Hawk Crush
: Active: Resistance Unchained
Developer's Notes: Tessa and Kael have been underperforming in both Circuit and Space Time Distortion, so we're buffing their primary skills. We've heard that Tessa's suppression skill, Active: Swan Song, is often missed, so we've slightly increased its range. |
2. Battle
■ Hero+ Mode
- The new difficulty, Hero+ mode, will be added to Lv. 115+ region raid battles.
: Hero+ mode will also be applied to future raid battles.
: The existing Hero mode will be removed from battles that have the Hero+ mode added to them.
: The existing Hero mode's clear time will be removed from the Battle Info pop-up.
- The following content will only apply to Hero+:
: Cannot use Path Transformation.
: Cannot use suppression skills.
- No partial destruction.
- Increased monster HP.
- No monster tenacity.
- Skills cannot put enemies into a stunned state.
- Boss monsters perform stronger attacks.
- Boss monsters use new attack patterns.
- You can select Hero+ in Battle Circuit to create a party.
- Cannot depart via Quick Battle.
- Uses 2x equipment durability upon completing the battle.
- Consumes 2 departure counts and 2x the fatigue points per departure.
- Can use 2 Resenlian's Battle Completion Scrolls to obtain rewards.
- Completing the battle will grant 2x gold, completion EXP, and Bonus Mission rewards.
- Can earn Deific Devotion Points, and you will earn 8% of the points.
- Complete the battle to obtain 1 Extreme Seal. Extreme Seals can be traded at the Seal Shop.
- Use the Seal of Bravery Box [AS] sold in the Extreme Seal Shop to obtain 2 Seals of Bravery.
: The following items are sold at the Extreme Seal Shop:
: Use the Hero's Aromatic Bath Soap at the Hot Springs to get the following effects:
* ATT/M. ATT +700, DEF +700, Max HP +500, Max STA +30, SP Recovery, CRIT RTE/CRIT RST +1, and Fatigue Points Reduced
Item |
Amount |
Seals Needed |
Purchase Limit |
Superior Enhancement Elixir |
1 |
20 |
No restrictions |
Hero's Aromatic Bath Soap |
1 |
12 |
No restrictions |
Intermediate Element Stone |
1 |
7 |
No restrictions |
Seal of Bravery Box [AS] |
1 |
1 |
No restrictions |
- Complete the battle to obtain more cores.
: Added related comparison information for Boss Cores you can obtain in normal mode.
: Added Guild Campfire Core acquisition information.
Core Types |
Normal Mode |
Hero+ Mode |
100% Obtained Qty |
Probability Obtained Qty |
100% Obtained Qty |
Probability Obtained Qty |
Basic Core |
x4 |
- |
x8 |
- |
Hero+ Core |
- |
- |
x2 |
- |
Breakoff Core |
x1 |
- |
- |
- |
Lucky Core |
x1 |
Up to x4 based on Luck |
x2 |
Up to x8 based on Luck |
VIP & VVIP Core |
x0 |
Up to x1 with a 30% chance of each |
x0 |
Up to x2 with a 30% chance of each |
Guild Skill Core |
x1 |
- |
x2 |
- |
Damage Contribution Core |
40% or more x1 |
- |
40% or more x2 |
- |
Guild Campfire Core |
x1 |
- |
x1 |
- |
Event Items |
x1 |
- |
x2 |
- |
Pet Core |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Goddess's Guidance |
x1 |
- |
- |
- |
- You can obtain up to 2 of both Superior Enhancement Elixirs and Jardin Steel in Hero+ mode.
Developer's Notes: To improve the gameplay experience of battling boss monsters, Hero+ mode boss monsters add new challenges such as suppression immunity, stun immunity, and more.
We also designed the departure count to use twice as much, and reward twice as much, to reduce the stress of needing to play the Battle Circuit twice as much, which is the typical gameplay pattern. We didn't differentiate between the reward types because we felt that Hero+ should be an option rather than a requirement.
However, Hero+ is designed to be more challenging, so we believe more experienced parties will find it more efficient. We also designed the boss stats to be the same as in normal mode, except for their ATT and HP, so that player progression isn’t too impeded. We will continue to improve the game’s content to make your experiences as fun as possible. |
- When you depart for battle in Hero+ mode, the following changes will apply:
: Added additional attack animations for boss monsters that appear in The Winds of Lochlann, The Sanctuary of Reconstruction, and Grave of Swords, and changed their combat patterns slightly.
- Departing for battle in Hero+ mode will disband summoned pets and comrades.
- Added one title per battle that can be earned in Hero+ mode battles.
Battle Name |
Title Name |
The Winds of Lochlann |
Title: Ruler of the Last Wind |
The Sanctuary of Reconstruction |
Title: Ah... Is my life flashing before my eyes? |
Grave of Swords |
Title: Jump! Jump! Dodge! |
■ Special Dungeon
- The list of battles available for departure will no longer be on rotation. You can now depart for all battles at all times.
- Departure count limits will be enforced on a weekly basis. The number of available departures resets every Saturday at 7AM.
: Departure Licenses and Resenlian's Battle Completion Scrolls will also be available in Special Dungeons as before.
- You will be able to depart for Special Dungeons via Battle Circuit.
- Special Dungeon's main loot drop rates will be increased
Developer's Notes: Special Dungeons that you needed to complete daily will be changed to complete once a week, at a time of your choosing. You will be able to depart for the 3 Special Dungeons via Battle Circuit at once.
As this reduces the total departure count of the Special Dungeons, we have increased the drop rate of the main loot such as the Special Dungeon: Enchant Pouch, Superior Masterpiece Bracelet Box, etc. by at least 2x. |
■ Etc.
- Fixed the issue in The Winds of Lochlann where the player would get stuck on the map when evading while fighting the boss.
3. Items
■ Ancient Title Destiny Box
- Adjusted text for the Ancient Title Destiny Box.
- Added 3 new titles that can only be obtained from the Ancient Title Destiny Box.
: Title: Raid Veteran Seeker, Title: Marketplace Mode, Title: Iced Strawberry Brandy Connoisseur
- 78 titles based on events and combat patterns will be added to the Ancient Title Destiny Box.
: These titles were once available from past events, or could be obtained via combat or other actions.
Title: Visitor to Hell |
Title: Peeked into Hell |
Title: The Untouchable |
Title: Crusader |
Title: Pull It Out Slowly |
Title: Ultimate Button Masher |
Title: Faster Than a Flying Arrow |
Title: Armorsmithing Journeyman |
Title: Armorsmithing Apprentice |
Title: Spider Destroyer |
Title: Advent Bullet Chucker |
Title: All's Fair in Onslaught |
Title: Onslaughterer |
Title: The Persistent, the Strong, the Mighty |
Title: Devil's Ward |
Title: Guardian's Ward |
Title: Wild Onslaught |
Title: Back and Forth |
Title: Natural-Born Competitor |
Title: Wilderness Legend |
Title: Wilderness Fighter |
Title: What a Pal |
Title: Neck Grabber |
Title: Obsessed Neck Grabber |
Title: Fanatical Neck Grabber |
Title: Psychotic Neck Grabber |
Title: Helm Snatcher |
Title: Swinger |
Title: Runaway Helmet Breaker |
Title: Claw Snapper |
Title: Poke-and-Prod |
Title: Not Afraid of the Dark |
Title: Walking Nightmare |
Title: Veiny Maniac |
Title: Rockjaw Helmet Breaker |
Title: Blade Breaker |
Title: Horn Snapper |
Title: Steel Blade Breaker |
Title: Princely Blade Breaker |
Title: Irukul's Tusk Breaker |
Title: Lord Helmet Breaker |
Title: Sturdy |
Title: Restless Wings |
Title: Thousandaire |
Title: Rattled |
Title: Gonna Hurl |
Title: In Charge of Charles |
Title: Raid Veteran Seeker |
Title: Statue in Front of the Marketplace Mode |
Title: Iced Strawberry Brandy Connoisseur |
Title: El Matador |
Title: Perfectly Alert |
Title: High Flyer |
Title: Kicker of Easter in the Keister |
Title: Learner of Her True Name |
Title: Super Seiner |
Title: Memories of the King of Pop |
Title: Giver of 110% |
Title: A Hundred and Ten Percent Together! |
Title: B-I-N-G-O |
Title: Steel Vindi for 11 Years |
Title: Hail to the Chef |
Title: Fishing For Time |
Title: Fun and Happy Christmas |
Title: Lucky 2022 |
Title: Bonding Over Bonbons |
Title: Ready to be Green |
Title: A Hungry Bunny's Best Friend |
Title: Too Hot To Handle! |
Title: Carp Diem |
Title: Everyday! Rock! Paper! Scissors! |
Title: Usurper's Fortress Destroyer |
Title: Fiery Passion for You |
Title: The King of Clean |
Title: The Pumpkin has Appeared! |
Title: A feast for all! |
Title: Merry Christmas, Everyone! |
Title: Fortunate Fisher |
Title: One Who Greeted the Awakened Black Bunny |
Title: Heart Full of Cheer |
Title: Emblem Collector |
Developer's Notes: We are assuming that a lot of you are wondering when the Ancient Title Destiny Box will be added and updated. The Ancient Title Destiny Box was supposed to be added after reviewing titles that are no longer available due to their associated feats being removed, or titles that had been in events in years prior, but this did not go according to plan.
In the future, we will consider updating titles when they are no longer obtainable due to game changes, or when their events are over 6 months old. However, please note that some titles may have exceptions, such as adjusting the update timing based on our internal review. We'll continue to listen to your feedback over time, and work towards making quicker updates. |
- If the title has a "permanent effect" that can be obtained, its description will now indicate that effect.
- Changed the required count to obtain the following titles:
Title Name |
Acquisition Condition |
Before Change |
After Change |
Yeti Horn Scratcher |
Defeat yetis with objects |
300 |
150 |
Yeti Horn Snapper |
Defeat yetis with objects |
1000 |
300 |
Goblin Heavyweight |
Defeat Goblins with objects |
300 |
150 |
Goblin Dumbbells |
Defeat Goblins with objects |
1000 |
300 |
Perilous Ruins Janitor |
Defeat Gnolls with objects |
300 |
150 |
Perilous Ruins Caretaker |
Defeat Gnolls with objects |
1000 |
300 |
Gnoll Beater |
Defeat Gnolls with kicks |
300 |
150 |
Gnoll Ass Kicker |
Defeat Gnolls with kicks |
1000 |
300 |
Kobold Beater |
Defeat Kobolds with kicks |
300 |
150 |
Kobold Ass Kicker |
Defeat Kobolds with kicks |
1000 |
300 |
Master Vampire Piercer |
Defeat vampires with spears |
500 |
300 |
Master Wisp Piercer |
Defeat wisps with spears (P) |
500 |
300 |
Kabooooom! |
Defeat toads with small bombs (P) |
500 |
300 |
Conqueror of the Sky |
Move with the chain hook |
500 |
100 |
Entertained by Madness |
Clear Madness battle quest (P) |
60 |
10 |
Going Mad |
Clear Madness battle quest (P) |
100 |
30 |
Firefighter |
Clear Hoarfrost Hollow in Flames battle quest (P) |
100 |
30 |
Vengeful |
Clear Revenge battle quest (P) |
100 |
30 |
Kobold Commander Slayer |
Clear Counterattack battle quest (P) |
100 |
30 |
Jaded by the Tyrant |
Clear White Tyrant battle quest (P) |
50 |
10 |
Tyrant Beater |
Clear White Tyrant battle quest (P) |
75 |
30 |
Tyrant Triumphant |
Clear White Tyrant battle quest (P) |
100 |
50 |
Decisively Easy |
Clear Decisive Battle battle quest (P) |
100 |
20 |
All Hail the Chief |
Clear Decisive Battle battle quest (P) |
120 |
30 |
Entertained by Irukul |
Clear Irukul battle quest (P) |
50 |
10 |
Conqueror of Irukul |
Clear Irukul battle quest (P) |
60 |
20 |
Laghodessa Destroyer |
Clear Nightmare at the Ruins battle quest (P) |
75 |
30 |
Laghodessa Conqueror |
Clear Nightmare at the Ruins battle quest (P) |
100 |
50 |
Entertained by the Lord |
Clear Shadowed by Darkness battle quest (P) |
50 |
10 |
Conqueror of Blood Lord |
Clear Shadowed by Darkness battle quest (P) |
60 |
20 |
Criminally Insane |
Defeat Lorgrach (P) |
50 |
10 |
Undercover |
Defeat Pestis (P) |
50 |
10 |
Heroic Leader |
Defeat Johanus (P) |
50 |
10 |
Conqueror of Greed |
Defeat Lubash the Usurper (P) |
50 |
10 |
Hell's Messenger |
Defeat Dellatrio Primo or Incanto |
50 |
10 |
Spinebuster |
Defeat the Spinefruit with kicks |
30 |
5 |
Trampled on Xaehawk |
Defeat Xaehawk (P) |
50 |
10 |
Spear and Shield Wielder |
Defeat Sturdy Emuloch with spears (P) |
50 |
10 |
Wet and Soggy |
Defeat King Ice Jelly with kicks (P) |
50 |
10 |
Everwhite Stomper |
Defeat Everwhite with kicks (P) |
50 |
10 |
Quiremigal Kicker |
Defeat Quiremigal with kicks (P) |
50 |
10 |
Prince Piercer |
Defeat Blood Prince with spears (P) |
50 |
10 |
Coward Knocker |
Defeat Black Scar with objects (P) |
50 |
10 |
Ezroch is too E-Z |
Defeat Ezroch (P) |
50 |
10 |
Sturdier than Sturdy |
Defeat Sturdy Emuloch with an object |
50 |
10 |
Giant Polar Bear Slayer |
Defeat the Giant Polar Bear with spears (P) |
50 |
10 |
Rockjaw Evader |
Defeat Rockjaw (P) |
50 |
10 |
Knocked Down the Chieftain |
Defeat Chieftain with objects (P) |
50 |
10 |
Kneel Before Me |
Defeat Surtr (P) |
25 |
5 |
Flight Time |
Defeat Chiakal (P) |
25 |
5 |
Water Repellant |
Clear Muir's mini-game |
10 |
3 |
Safety First! |
Remove the exploding spear (P) |
50 |
5 |
- The following 282 title stats have been revised:
: List of titles that had +1 INT increase
Title Name |
Brother Ebeloch Destroyer |
Party Reviver |
Black Hole |
Big Brother Ebeloch Destroyer |
Trustworthy Party Reviver |
Mana Font |
Quiremigal Champion |
Saintly Party Reviver |
Spell Weaver |
The Red Bearer Conqueror |
Taonu Conqueror |
Silver Shadow |
The Reaper Champion |
Klaus Dominator |
Battlefield Dream |
The Blood Drinker Champion |
Bane of the Queen |
Silver Streak |
The Blood Prince Destroyer |
Black Hammer Smasher |
Tactician |
Ezroch is too E-Z |
Kakrish Crusher |
Time Master |
Rockjaw Evader |
Larken Conqueror |
Dominant |
Laghodessa Killer |
Third Eye |
Magical Brawler |
Blood Lord Evader |
Daybreaker |
Fine Performer |
Black Belly Evader |
50 Battles Later |
- |
Irukul Evader |
100 Battles Later |
- |
: List of titles that had +2 INT increase
Title Name |
Giant Polar Bear Conqueror |
Glas Ghaibhleann Eradicator |
Savior of the Isles |
Mistaken For A Monster |
Black Hammer Smasher |
Hellspawn Vanquisher |
The Blood Lord Conqueror |
Shakarr Destroyer |
Atomic Furnace |
Fish Market Intruder |
Lionotus Destroyer |
Conqueror of Death |
Irukul Destroyer |
Colru Conqueror |
Defeat Muir the Invader |
Black Belly Destroyer |
God Hunter |
Mythbuster |
Imich Defeater |
Devil Hunter |
Raid Runner |
The Titan Slayer |
Alderman |
Under the Radar |
Torr Conqueror |
Havanizer |
All By Your Lonesome |
Ahglan Annihilator |
Iset Slayer |
Climaxed |
Decider of Destinies |
Bark Basher |
Mana Master |
Saucy Succubus Slayer |
Juggernaut Vanquisher |
- |
: List of titles that had +3 INT increase
Title Name |
Classy Mercenary |
Inquisitor Claire's Punisher |
Perforator |
Web-wrapped |
Macha Machinator |
Inverted |
Passionate One |
Agares Hunter |
Warped |
Not Defying Gravity |
Tie with Lugh Lamhfada |
Disruptive |
Thoroughly Prepared |
Cold-Hearted Hero |
Down you go! |
Through Hell Or Highwater |
Marject Slayer |
Why counter when I can simply block? |
Seeing is Believing |
So Long, Aodhan |
Serendipity |
Guild Seal Purchaser |
Cesar Conqueror |
Devotion |
Envied by Kirstie |
Nyle Knocker |
Tell me you saw that! |
Iron Will |
Ragnahim's Ruin |
Is... Is this in carats? |
Spider-Powered |
Siete Slayer |
The Swan |
the One Who Made Clodagh Excited |
Epona Eliminator |
Low Slashing |
Dolores's Troubleshooter |
Tarathan Taker |
No Need to Even Unsheath |
Better than Official |
Romel Ruler |
From Left to Right |
Watched By An Ogre |
Commander Crusher |
Lightning Fast |
Swift Learner |
Naberius Hunter |
Misfortune Begone |
Nel's Favorite |
Milo Hunter |
Praying for Happiness |
Clodagh's Dream Come True |
Cessair Hunter |
Mourning for the Dead |
Soft and Pliable |
Enok's End |
Grizzly Gallantry |
Thick and Hard |
Emmett Exterminator |
Fly Like An Eagle! |
Frostheart Hunter |
Irusan Injurer |
Dances with Kuja |
Queenslayer |
Jarnir Slayer |
Something to Remember Me By |
Regina Suppressor |
Shard Surgeon |
Stampede |
Callidus Annihilator |
Pew Pew Pew |
Cheetah's Assault |
Braha Conqueror |
I AM a Little Dizzy |
Crocodile Block |
Glas Breaker |
Dance Sensation |
Woman of Letters |
Infectious Disease Specialist |
Electrifying Performer |
Create the Opportunities |
Dullahan Destroyer |
Now we're cookin'! |
Embody the Virtues |
Enemy of Aes Sidhe |
Let's go! |
Witch Hunter's Bane |
Arcana Conqueror |
Inescapable |
A Matter of Fact |
Rupacitus Ruiner |
Light-hearted |
Is it Made of Cheese? |
Eternal Elchulus Hunter |
Out of Phase |
Singular Talent |
: List of titles that had +4 INT or more, out of the titles that can be obtained by all characters
Title Name |
Increased Value |
Astral Physicist |
4 |
Master of the Void |
4 |
Power surges through me! |
4 |
Cleansing for Health |
4 |
Stabbed Through the Heart |
4 |
Shooting Star |
4 |
Path of Duty |
6 |
Path of Honor |
6 |
: List of titles that had +1 STR increase
Title Name |
The Strength of Steel |
Big Banger |
Shadow Ambusher |
The Sun's Downfall |
Stinger |
Ruthless Decimator |
Roadblock |
Foxy |
It's gonna hurt! |
Untouchable |
Fully Armed |
I'll crush you! |
Devastator |
Cosmic Flower |
Half Moon Beauty |
Heartseeker |
Faster than Light |
Full Moon Beauty |
Blood Moon |
Move! Move Out! |
Electrifying Outcrier |
Whirlwind |
Ruler of the Skies |
Spin to Win Stealer |
Judge |
Late Bloomer |
The Path of Flames |
Social Animal |
Breezy |
Eat Up! |
Machete |
Rainmaker |
- |
Fisher of Men |
Pretty Killer |
- |
: List of titles that had +2 STR increase
Title Name |
Caught Your Scent |
Treasure Hoarder |
Aura Wielder |
Seizing Opportunities |
Seasoned Dragon Knight |
Like A Dragon |
Get out of my way! |
Winged Serpent |
Aura Harvester |
Crushed It |
Dragon Rider |
Destroyer of All |
We're All Mad Here |
Aerial Butcher |
Revolutionary |
The Red Hound's Strategy |
Uniquely Deadly |
In the Mile Low Club |
Untrustworthy |
Slash and Dasher |
Mover and Shaker |
I'll shred these fools! |
Blind Spotter |
Parry Parry Good |
On the Edge |
Bold Swordsman |
One to Count On |
Cold-hearted |
Misdirector |
Talon Talento |
Lunatic |
Chop, chop! |
Rise and Shine! |
I Have Fury |
Get smashed! |
Huh? Did Something Fall Over? |
Impenetrable |
Act your age! |
Left to Right Recoil Exercise! |
Thrust Master |
Swing! Swing! Swing! |
Flying Free as a Feather |
Star Killer |
I'll blow you away! |
Eyes Ahead and Move Forward! |
Kissing the Sky |
Power up! |
Showtime |
Dragon Guardian |
Round and Round You Go |
- |
Flamespinner |
Counterattack Spammer |
- |
: List of titles that had +3 STR or more
Title Name |
Increased Value |
Gliding Fury Expert |
3 |
The Stigma |
3 |
Shield Deflector |
3 |
Dancing Swordsman |
3 |
Wind Cutter |
3 |
Strong as a Dam |
3 |
Eye of the Storm |
3 |
Top Chop |
3 |
Handy |
3 |
Bigshot |
3 |
Quick Draw |
3 |
Desperado |
3 |
Crimson Storm |
3 |
Frostbitten |
3 |
Manipulator |
3 |
Elegant Punisher |
4 |
The Butterfly |
4 |
The Thousand Needles |
4 |
The Furious Glider |
5 |
The 360 |
5 |
Developer's Notes: There are disparities in the amount of titles and stats that each character can obtain, so this is intended to balance that. However, there are a lot of factors to consider while sifting through the data, such as the 2nd weapons of each character, so we've focused on STR and INT stats first. We will continue to work on this matter to ensure that the number of titles available for each character and their stats do not become unbalanced. |
4. Etc.
- The following categories of items can now be traded via Mail.
: Airtight Outfit Set
: Airtight Back, Tail, and Object
: Airtight Pet and Comrade
Developer's Notes: Outfit sets and some airtight boxes could be traded, but only limited to the Marketplace. That made it inconvenient to trade them directly. Therefore, we added the convenience of mail trade outside of the Marketplace. |
We are always trying to provide an ever-better Vindictus experience.
Thank you!