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GM Coin Season 4: Spring Cleaning Event

  • 1 year ago

Event Period: 3/26/2024 (Tue) after weekly maintenance - 4/23/2024 (Tue) before weekly maintenance


It's time for a big inventory spring cleaning!

Cleaning is never fun, but time flies when you find things that remind you of good times or that you forgot you owned!

Check if you have any old items or ones you forgot you had in Vindictus, and show them off!


Information Needed to Participate:

  • Title:
  • Server:
  • Screenshot:
  • Tell us something about the item:


Reward Information

  • If more than 60 screenshots are entered through our Discord event channel, then all players will receive 15 GM Coins during the 4/23/2024 (Tue) weekly maintenance.



  • If less than 60 screenshots are entered in our Discord event channel, only participants will receive GM Coins.
  • You cannot participate multiple times.