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Ver. 3.11 Update

  • 11 months ago

Table of Contents

  1. Character Balance Adjustment
  2. Reverent Tower
  3. Equipment Share
  4. Friendship System
  5. Emotes
  6. Characters
  7. Items
  8. UI


1. Character Balance Adjustment

Developers’ Notes:

For this patch, our development focus was on balancing the overall DPS before the July character utilities patch.

We will continue to keep an eye on DPS balance, and we plan to focus on emphasizing each character's unique qualities, branching out from utility improvements.


Lann - Twin Swords

  • Adjusted Fury Type Skills Damage Increase Rate from 20% to 15% for "Furious" Status Effect.


Lann - Twin Spears

  • Increased the damage of the following attacks by 5%:
    • Moon Splitter
    • Grand Hurricane
  • Added new status effect "Vulnerable":
    • When receiving an attack from an enemy while using the "Moon Splitter" or "Grand Hurricane" attacks, Lann gains the "Vulnerable" status effect.
    • DEF decreases for 3 seconds, and the status effect stacks up to 3 stages.
    • The Vulnerable status effect is applied in the following way:

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

DEF -3%

DEF -8%

DEF -15%

Developers’ Notes:

Twin Swords Lann is showing a high, even level of DPS in most battles. 

To emphasize Lann's Twin Swords combat qualities, we added evasive frames to Gliding Fury during the March balance patch, and we adjusted the Furious status Damage Increase Rate for DPS balance.

When Lann uses Twin Spears, he shows a relatively low level of DPS in Hero+ and Space Time Distortion Battles, but he has a some of the highest levels of DPS in Normal Battles, so there is a big disparity that's noticeable.

We believe that the reason he has high efficiency in Normal Battles is through the use of restoration potions, and the so-called "hit exchange" form of gameplay that mainly occurs.

Although one might think Twin Spear Lann looks best when he uses explosive attacks like Moon Splitter and Grand Hurricane, we think that there needs to be appropriate risk in hit exchange gameplay.

Therefore, we increased the damage of these two skills to emphasize their qualities, but we were inclined to add the Vulnerable status effect for excessive hit exchange tactics.


Fiona - Longsword

  • Increased the damage of the following attacks by 5%:
    • "Amaranth Kick"
    • "Amaranth Kick" (additional attack)
    • "Ivy Sweep"
  • Decreased the damage of the following attack by 15%:
    • "Counterattack" while using "Active: Shield Enhancement"

Developers’ Notes:

Longsword Fiona is showing the highest levels of DPS in Hero+ and Space Time Distortion Battles.

However, she shows relatively low levels of DPS in Normal Battles, so there is a big disparity between various difficulties.

So, we have decreased the amount of damage that's been concentrated on counter attacks, and we increased the damage for Amaranth Kick, which is also useful in Normal Battles, in order to remedy these imbalances.


Kai - Bow

  • Increased the damage of the following attacks by 3%:
    • "Normal Attack" (Longbow)
    • "Fixed Shot"
    • "Level 1 Magnum"
    • "Level 2 Magnum"
    • "Level 3 Magnum"
    • "Active: Ricochet Shot" (Longbow)


Kai - Cross Gun

  • Increased the damage of the following attacks by 10%:
    • "Active: Perforate"
    • "Active: Perforate" (when "Active: Enhanced Bolt" is in use)
  • Increased the damage of the following attacks by 5%:
    • "Active: Hollow Shot"
    • "Active: Hollow Shot" (when "Active: Enhanced Bolt" is in use)
    • "Active: Hollow Shot" (additional attack)
    • "Active: Six Shooter" detonation attack
    • "Active: Six Shooter" detonation attack (when "Active: Enhanced Bolt" is in use)
    • "Active: Bolt Storm"
    • "Active: Massive Impact"

Developers’ Notes:

Kai generally shows a low level of DPS in most battles.

Kai is one of the hardest characters to balance as there is a big disparity between players who are good at using Kai and those who are not. To adjust the balance, we increased Kai's damage by a large amount, especially when he uses the Cross Gun.

We are looking at the brilliant ideas for improvements to him that our players are suggesting, and we will sort through them during the utilities improvement later to find a good development direction that emphasizes his good qualities and improves those aspects that are lacking.



  • Increased the damage of the following attacks by 5%:
    • "Rising Comet"
    • "Falling Comet"

Developers’ Notes:

We believe the core of Delia's combat style revolves around her comet attacks.

In the March balance patch, we added Full Moon evasive frames, but rather than the goal being to emphasize Delia's qualities as a character, this was to improve her survivability which was lacking, and to allow for flexible reactions when battling monsters.

In the recent stats Delia is still showing low levels of DPS overall, so first we increased the power of comet-style attacks. Afterwards we will look into emphasizing the unique qualities of comet attacks when revamping Vigor, Zenith, and the like as we mentioned previously.



  • Increased the damage of the following attacks by 10%:
    • "Active: Blazing Spine"
    • Shock Wave that uses "Wyvern Magic" Status Effect
  • Increased the damage of the following attacks by 3%:
    • "Fiery Chainswing"

Developers’ Notes:

For Miri's character the cooldown for Ancestral Garb has been decreased. We were aiming for direct increases related to that and a better gameplay experience overall. However, we discovered that she still tended to have relatively low levels of DPS, so we ended up increasing the damage for certain attacks.



  • Decreased the damage of the following attacks by 8%:
    • "Rhino Rush"
  • Decreased the damage of the following attacks by 3%:
    • "Eagle Stab"

Developers’ Notes:

Along with Fiona, Latiya is showing the highest levels of DPS in Hero+ and Space Time Distortion Battles.

However, unlike Fiona, Latiya is showing excellent levels of DPS even in Normal Battles, so we made adjustments to decrease things overall.

We are looking carefully to see if there are any inconveniences regarding slow ATT SPD, resource management, and other aspects that are unrelated to DPS. We will do our best to create the most enjoyable gameplay experience for you.



2. Reverent Tower

  • Changed the rewards from the Seal Destiny Box, earned upon clearing Reverent Tower 5F, to Seal of Bravery x15.
    • These changes will go into effect after the live server on 5/1/2024 (Wed) at 7 AM UTC.
  • Changed the rewards from the Reverent Tower 20F Destiny Box earned upon clearing Reverent Tower 20F.
    • You can now choose Jardin Steel (Binding) x5 instead of Jardin Steel (Binding) x3.
    • This only applies to the Reverent Tower 20F Destiny Box earned after 5/1 (Wed) at 7 AM UTC, and these changes will go into effect after the live server on 5/1 (Wed) at 7 AM UTC.
  • Changed the rewards from the Reverent Tower 25F Destiny Box, earned upon clearing Reverent Tower 25F.
    • You can now choose Resenlian's Battle Completion Scroll x5 instead of Departure License x10 and Additional Departure Boost (3 Days, Binding).
    • This only applies to the Reverent Tower 25F Destiny Box earned after 5/1 (Wed) at 7 AM UTC, and these changes will go into effect after the live server on 5/1 (Wed) at 7 AM UTC.
  • Changed the rewards from the Reverent Tower 30F Destiny Box, earned upon clearing Reverent Tower 30F.
    • You can now choose an Experimental Outfit Dye Ampoule (Empty) instead of an Airtight Seal Destiny Box and Departure License: Redeemers x2.
    • This only applies to the Reverent Tower 30F Destiny Box earned after 5/1 (Wed) at 7 AM UTC, and these changes will go into effect after the live server on 5/1 (Wed) at 7 AM UTC.



3. Equipment Share

  • Adjusted Equipment Share cooldown from 30 days to 15 days.



4. Friendship System

  • Ally, Close Ally, Confidant, and Destined for Sou have been implemented.
    • You can earn "Ally," "Close Ally," "Confidant," and "Destined" with Sou.
    • Dialogue related to your bond with Sou has been added.
    • Upon earning the ranks Ally, Close Ally, Confidant, and Destined, Sou will become less fatigued, and his Power Stance duration will last longer.
    • Ally, Close Ally, Confidant, and Destined rank achievements have also been implemented.
    • Learn more about Sou through his new ranks Ally, Close Ally, Confidant events!
  • Added the event dialogue for reaching 100% Bond in the Destined rank with Sou.
    • Max your bond with Sou on Destined rank, then talk to him for a special scene!
    • This scene will grant you Sou's dance emote.
    • When you complete the event dialogue, you can get a title reward from the new Friendship Achievement "Unbreakable Bond."
  • You can only add the same gender's dances to the Emotes list. The new dance emotes can only be moved within your account once.


5. Emotes

  • Added the new dance Emote for male characters.
    • Sou's Dance (Total of 1)
    • Each emote can be previewed from the Emote window's Motion tab.
    • Each emote can be obtained from playing through the Friendship System.
  • Sou's new voice emotes added.
    • Sou Voice: Changed Destinies, No Better Life, Philosophies, Sou Justice, Such Feasts, Neck Bones, Decapitation, Finish This, Hard Times, Always Strangers, Sou Game, Danger is Near, Blades Fly Faster, Hug It Out, Curiosity, Strong Drink (16 total)
      • These emotes can be acquired at the "Friendship Seal" Exchange Shop.



6. Characters

  • Added a function where your current appearance can be maintained, rather than the Dragon Knight appearance, when using Miri's "Active: Ancestral Garb" skill.
    • Added an explanation about appearances to skill description. The Dragon Knight appearance can be activated and deactivated in Town by pressing the Quick Slot button where the skill is registered.



7. Items

  • [Title: It's Up To You Now] is no longer obtained when using Jumping Potion.
  • [Title: It's Up To You Now] can now be selected and obtained when using Ancient Title Destiny Box. 
  • TP Potions will now be stored in the NX Storage Chest.
  • Changed the item name to "TP Potion [AS]" so that its tradability will be better recognized.
  • Added description regarding max TP for TP Potion [AS].
    • Functionality is same as before.
  • Goibhniu's Stone++ (Enhancement Success Rate Additional 10%) that can be obtained from the Monthly Login Gift Box has been changed to Goibhniu's Stone (Enhancement Success Rate fixed 3% increase).



8. UI

  • Removed Custom Battle from Quick Departure

Developers’ Notes:

We've removed the Custom Battle category to prevent confusion for new and returning players, and so that Battle Quests are not broken up.