GM Coin S4: Spring OOTD Event

  • 10 months ago

Event Period: 4/23/2024 (Tue) after weekly maintenance - 5/21/2024 (Tue) before weekly maintenance


Event Details

Shall we change into gorgeous outfits and enjoy the spring vibes together?

  1. Choose either white, yellow, green, or pink—or mix and match all the colors
  2. Show off in the Discord #springootd channel.


Start this spring off right in Vindictus!


Information Needed to Participate:

  • Title:
  • Server:
  • Screenshot:


Reward Information

  • If more than 80 screenshots are entered in the Discord event channel, then all players will receive 10 GM coins during the 05/21/2024 (Tue.) weekly maintenance.
  • If there are not enough participants, only those who participated will receive a coupon code.
    • Cannot participate multiple times.