GM Coin S4: The Indomitable Mercenary Event

  • 9 months ago


Event Period: 5/21/2024 (Tue) after weekly maintenance - 6/25/2024 (Tue) before weekly maintenance


It's always fun to boast about your own heroic exploits.
Which battle do you want to brag about the most?
Oh, and of course, a heroic tale is never true without proof. You know you'll have to prepare a screenshot too, right?


Event Details:

Share a screenshot of yourself in #The-Indomitable channel on our official Discord Sever, either in the middle of battle or after you've finished one.

Feel free to use any battle type, pose, or emotes. Individual and group pictures are all okay, too!


Reward Information:

  • If more than 60 screenshots are entered in #The-Indomitable channel on our official Discord server, then all players will receive 10 GM coins during the 6/25/2024 (Tue) weekly maintenance.
  • If there are not enough participants, only those who participated will receive a coupon code.
    • You may not participate multiple times.
    • Group shots will be counted as one single submission, regardless of how many people are in the picture.


Information Needed to Participate:

  • Title:
  • Server:
  • Screenshot: