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[Known Issue] Issue where Battle Departure resets earlier than planned.

  • 9 months ago

Update: The issue will be resolved during the maintenance on 7/2 (Tue).


Dear Mercenaries,


Please note that there is an issue where certain Battle Departure Counts are being reset earlier than planned.

The battle list:

Battle of Rocheste
Clan of Darkness
Spearhead of Paradise Lost
Under the Pale Moon
Ladaton Bridge
Royal Castle Dungeon
[Special] Remembrance
[Special] Dungeon Laboratory
[Special] Brilliant Lugh
[Special] Fate and Destiny
[Special] Garden of Tears
[Special] Avatar of Destruction
[Special] Memory of the Past
[Special] Price of Failure
[Special] God of Death
Gates of Hell
The Dark, Dank Sewers
The Giant
Into the Abyss
Burning Temple
The Evil One
The One Who Protects the Altar


We are currently working on the issue and we will update this notice as soon as the issue is resolved.


Thank you.