Sanyaa's Celebratory Package Event

  • 7 months ago

Event Period: 8/6 (Tue) - 9/10 (Tue)


[Sanyaa's Celebratory Package] is given via mail to the character you first log in with during the event period. (once per account)


  • [Sanyaa's Celebratory Package]
    • Transferable within Account, can only be opened by a Lv. 10+ Sanyaa
    • Obtain all of the following contents upon opening

Item Name


Trade Spec

Sanyaa's Outfit Set Destiny Box


Bound to Character

Title: The First Sanyaa


Bound to Character

Unlimited Inner Armor Pass (30 Days)


Bound to Character

Storage Chest Expansion Ticket (Permanent, Gift)


Bound to Character


  • Sanyaa's Outfit Set Destiny Box Contents 

Item Name

Serene Sunflower Set (Event)

Spirited Sunflower Set (Event)

Charming Mini Wedding Dress Set (Event)

Chic Mini Wedding Dress Set (Event)