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GM COIN S4: It’s a Gift!

  • 3 months ago

Event Period: December 17th - January 21st


Another year is coming to an end.

Won’t it be nice to prepare a small gift for someone you care for? 

…And won’t it be better if that gift’s something they'll NEVER EXPECT?


Show us what you've got in your inventory, that can be the weirdest, and not-so-useful present to someone that comes to your mind!


How to participate:

From your inventory, choose an item that you would want to gift to someone.
The item should be something that when gifted, they will not be able to find a decent use for. (In other words, literally an 'useless' gift)

The person to receive the gift can be anyone. From your close friends or family, or a NPC in game, even monsters or bosses. The item too, does not have to be technically tradeable.
The key is 'choosing a weird gift.' 

Share the item on our official discord with followings below:

  • Server:
  • The item you'd like to present:
  • Why you chose that item: 



If over 60 people participate, a coupon code containing 15 GM Coins will be revealed.

Otherwise, it will be exclusively disclosed to participants.Plus, from each server(NA/EU), two best participants will be chosen;

They will be given a special reward of extra 10 more GM Coins!


Please Note:

  • Each person can only participate once.
  • Rewards will be given during maintenance on January 21st.
  • Irrelevant posts, Posts not following the given format, or participation with other people's work will not be counted.
  • All Submittions may be used in our official social accounts.
  • Top 2 participants per server will be decided by Nexon Staff.