We apologize for the inconvenience from NX Reward Coins expiring earlier than they were initially noticed.
The expiration dates for the NX Reward Coins and the exchange shop have been extended by 2 weeks, to March 11th to compensate for anyone who had failed to exchange them.
We have redistributed any amount of NX Reward Coins that has been discarded due to expiration to the players' mailbox.
If you have not received NX Reward Coins that have disappeared due to this issue, please report to customer service.
We remain committed to providing you with a more pleasant gaming experience.
Thank you.
We have currently identified an issue affecting the expiration of NX reward coins.
We plan to resolve this issue during today's scheduled maintenance.
Please do not discard your remaining reward coins.
We will provide further details in the upcoming notice.
We apologize for the inconvenience.