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Pre-Notice on changes to outfit types

  • 9 days ago

Hello, this is DEV Allanon.

Today I'd like to share some updates regarding our outfit types ahead of the March 25th update.



Previously, the '+' concept was limited to 'All Curves' outfits, and released under the name of 'All Curves+.'

These outfits were special variants which added a unique touch exclusively to the top parts.

But starting with our next update in March we plan to remove those limitations, expanding the idea to an 'Additional Design to the outfit itself.'


This change is to present a wider selection with more unique outfits and more special points to choose for everyone.

And to do so, we plan to test this concept with our normal outfits as well, offering more variety and unique style points to as much people as possible.


With the update, the outfit selection boxes in the March Crystal will have four selections to choose from:

  • Normal Outfit
  • Normal Outfit+
  • All Curves Outfit
  • All Curves Outfit+



For the best experience, please refer to the Sales notice and in-game previews before making your purchase.


As always, we will do our best to provide you with a great gaming experience.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.