Event Winner Announcement

  • 6 years ago


Greetings Mercenaries,

From January 15th to January 22nd, we asked all our guilds to simply show off their guild to our Vindictus community for a week to win an amazing prize! We've received several submissions through our official forum, and it was great to see so many beautiful guilds our mercenaries have created, enjoyed, and have made many beautiful memories together until this day! We thank all those who've submitted and to all the guild masters and members for their contributions for our Vindictus community. Despite the great and amazing submissions, we had to choose one single guild that we thought have met the minimum guild requirements for this event participation, and have done their best to "show off" with the opportunity that they had been given for the honorary first place. Please join us in congratulating the winner of the 'Show Off Your Guild' event, and we thank all once again for everyone's participation to this event. This is not the end and we are excited to see how all guilds in our community will grow through this event.

- The Vindictus Team


'Show Off Your Guild' Event Original Post | Submissions


1st Place: ILog_HorizonI (Crystal_Rose)

Prize: 50,000 NX