YoAki: Guide on Daily Grinds

  • 9 months ago

Daily Grind [beside Raids]

  1. Niflheim
  2. Red Moon's Energy [RME]
  3. Royal Army Battle [RAR]
  4. Warm Welcome Box
  5. Temporal Missions




Gold & Bracelet Gems


Why is it worth to grind it daily?

  • Gold
  • Bracelet Gems
  • AP


  • If you run Niflheim twice you get the following rewards:
    • ~ 15 minutes for 643.200 Gold with normal sidequests (700.800 Gold with all side quests – but it's not worth the effort)
    • Keys und (Exquisit) Bracelet Gem Boxes
    • The Keys can be changed by Aislinn in the General store. You get Gem Boxes with RNG Gems in it. With the exquisit Keys you get Exquisit Braclet Gems. They only fit in Gold Bracelets and are not tradeable.
    • 450 AP + VIP + Guildbonus


Where do I find Niflheim?

  • G – Depart for Battle – Region Rocheste – Niflheim or you can start with Battle Circuit (recommended)


Niflheim via Battle Circuit [BC]

  • Follow these steps by creating a BC-Party:
    • Choose the Battles you want to run and set them as often as you can run them [usually twice with VIP activated]
    • If you don't have VIP you can use your Guildlicenes [if you are in a guild]
    • Set a party name. The Info get shown to the other Mercenaries. This text will be advertising your party, when hitting the promotion button.


Bosses and LvL. Requirement

  • Succubus Queen

  • Bloodlord

  • Zecallion


It is possible to join Niflheim with LvL. 80. But it is recommended to have at min. one strong player with you, if you go there with LvL. 80. Don't go alone it takes to much time. Try to find 3 more mercenaries to start the battle with you!



Red Moon's Energy [RME]

An important SOLODUNGEON Lv. 110+


Why is it worth to grind it daily?

  • You can earn following rewards:
    • New Era Materials, they are important to push your gear at any point
    • Chance to get Superior Enhancement Elixir needed for High Level Gear
    • Luminarys give some various kinds of Orbs and other items [needed for Elementstone crafting and HP-Pots]
    • Chance to get Rank B Waking Stones
    • 41,800 Gold per run + Max LvL Bonus if max. LvL reached (~50,000 Gold)


Where can I find RME? Is it hard content?

  • G – Red Moon's Energy – Depart Solo


The Maps rotate between:

  • Bathed in Red – Ship Graveyard
  • Ainle at Stake 
  • Ortle Castle in Red
  • Hilderforest

If its hard or not depends on your class and your gear. But it's still possible to run it with the gifted 105 gear. It just takes some time. At least you should run RME every day with your Maincharacter. Once you get a feeling for it you should decide, if you want to grind it with a Twink.



  • For getting the best outcome, it is helpful to have at least one comrade (Succubus, Neam, Arcana, Claire, Siete, Regina). The comrade is fast at clearing the Trashmobs. And if you have the required comrade for the day you get an extra boost which makes you stronger (very good for low gear). [Comrade can be bought by players or via NX shop, when they're for Sale]
  • At the same time you should at least have one premium pet. It gets you one extra loot and – same as the comrade – if you got the required pet for the day you get one loot on top! [Bought same as comrade]
  • If you don't have any LUK boost yet (Cadet Badge, Event Badge, Novice Badge, Luck Blessing Stone,...) You should try to use your Moodmission to get a LUK Boost. There is a guide at the Offi-Vindi Discord posted by Karpfen Source by Receiver.



Royal Army Raid



Why is it worth to grind it daily?

  • Mysterious Shards
  • Seal of Bravery
  • AP


The loot you want:


The more Buffs you got, the more loot you get. For example:

Luck Effect, VIP Service, Guild Skill


The Loot you get:


Use the Seals in the Sealshop (C-Seal-Seal of Bravery) for runes and other cool stuff.


How to get there?

  • G – Royal Army Raid – Depart Solo – Waiting List – Depart Now



Warm Welcome

Useful items for small costs


Why is it worth buying the warm welcome boxes from the strange traveler?

  • Titles
  • Kitty Necklaces & Brooch
  • New Era Materials
  • Godly/Heavenly Material
  • AP
  • Kitty Potion


  • You only get Kitty Necklaces through buying those Boxes (beside buying them from the marketplace). The brilliant Kitty Necklace is atm the highest and very expensive.
  • You can obtain different Titles through the Warm Welcome Box 1-3 or from the special 50 ticket Box
  • The Boxes 1-3 gives you different worthy loot, for example New Era Materials – which I already mentioned, is necessary to push your gear.
  • The Kitty Potion is sometimes required in temporal daily missions you get it from the standard warm welcome box (the one you get for your ticket out of the Mailbox)


Let's take a closer look at the loot


Many different Titles


Many AP


There are different types of Necklaces and Broochs. If and which one you get is managed by chance.


Opening Box 1-3 gives you for example this loot:


The Kitty Potion gives you the following Buffs, which is useful for raids (to hit the reqirements)



Temporal Missions

Quality Star Coupon incoming!


Why is it worth to complete the temporal missions?


To answer this question let's have a look at the ticket shop [C-Seal-Ticketshop]:


As you can see, you have the oportunity to get very useful items. Quality Boosters for your equipment, runes, Seals, TP Boosters, Jardin and Damascus Steel.



Where can I find those Missions?


In the right bottom corner you can select the small event button.


Then choose the 'Temporal Missions' button.


Cool, what kind of missions do I have to do?


Here are some examples for the Temporal Missions. You have 3 different types: 

  • Daily-Weekly-Monthly


You only get the Daily Mission Ticket, when you did all 3 missions. You need to collect it by yourself – it gets lost when you miss this.




The missions are all the same for all your characters and all players. They reset daily/weekly/monthly. You can see the reset time in the right lower corner.


You can obtain Pots, Pet Food, Elementstone(-material) and much more.