Full Beach Package

  • 4 years ago


Sale Period: July 30th - August 27th

You've probably packed for beach holidays so many times over the years that you just know what to pack for a beach vacation. However, if you're one of those people always wondering what to take to the beach, then this is the only package you need specially designed for you. We've put together a full Beach Package for you where we've included everything you need to not only look the part whilst hanging at the beach but also have all the beach essentials for the perfect chill this summer. Get ready for the beach vacation party wardrobe in next to no time with the full Beach Package now!

Item Name Contents Price
Full Beach Package
  • Permanent Swimsuit Inner Armor Coupon
  • Beach Hat or Sunglasses (Different per Character)
  • Sandals (Different per Character)
10,900 NX