Elite Crystal

  • 4 years ago


Sales Period: July 21st - August 25th
Exchange Shop Period: July 21st - September 1st

The long-awaited [Special Extra Voluptuous Bunny Babe Set] is finally here! From the [Special Crystalline Veil Set] to the [Special Rose Justiciar Set] below, get your favorite outfits now through a crystal today!

Item Name Contents Price (NX)
Elite Crystal
Special Extra Voluptuous Bunny Babe Set

Special Crystalline Veil Set

Special Angel Wings

Special Seafarer Set Destiny Box

Special War General Set

Special Dandy Sailor Set

Special Rose Justiciar Set

and Many More!

1,900 (x1)

19,000 (x11)

57,000 (x34)

95,000 (x58)

Probability Rates

Exchange Shop

Item Name Quantity Required
Airtight Special Extra
Voluptuous Bunny Babe Set
1 450 Unlimited 1t
Airtight Special Crystalline Veil Set
Airtight Angel Wings
Airtight Special Seafarer Set (Shirt & Skirt) 400
Airtight Special Seafarer Set
(Shirt & Hotpants)
Airtight Special Seafarer Set (Jacket & Skirt)
Airtight Special Seafarer Set
(Jacket & Hotpants)
Airtight Special War General Set
Airtight Special Dandy Sailor Set
Airtight Special Rose Justiciar Set
Superior Pet Destiny Box 150 Within
VVIP Service Package (30 Days, Gift) 100 UID x5 Binding
Fine Pet Destiny Box Unlimited Within
Premium Enhancement Rune 80 UID x5 Shared
Enhancement Rune (Gift) 30
Beginner Pet Destiny Box 20 Unlimited Within
Divine Blessing Stone (Gift) 30 10 Shared
Max Durability Increase Potion (Gift) 4 2
Goddess Grace (Gift) 5
Merc Recovery Potions (Gift) 20