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Notice for VINDICTUS Service Operation Improvements

  • 3 years ago


Hello, Vindictus players.


Improvements to gameplay in NA and Europe are scheduled to be applied along with the new hero, Dan-Ah, on 12/07.

Up until now, due to people across multiple countries having to play in NA and Europe, there was no common peak time for players across both regions.

Through various channels including the Discord community, we have confirmed instances of players experiencing inconveniences due to time zone differences as there was a lack of an environment that allowed for player pools to gather when trying to play raid Quick Battles, party matching, Royal Army, etc.

The Vindictus Team is determined to make up for the play time differences due to time zones that have been an issue through patches like the ones below.


1. Buffs to Raid Main Items Drop Rates

Considering the issues due to time zones and other aspects of NA and Europe party play being large obstacles as mentioned above,

we plan to supplement item farming and character growth by adjusting item drop rates.

The items listed below will have their drop rates increased for raids.

*Target Items: Essence, Enchant Scroll, Eternal Legacy, Ancient Succession, Legendary Chunk, Legendary Ore, Legacy Shard, and Succession Shard

The Missing Soul

Surprise Attack

Brilliant Lugh

Battle of Rocheste

Ladaton Bridge

The Price of Failure

Devil's Tower

Eweca's Nightmare

Clan of Darkness

Royal Castle Dungeon

Iron Fist

Red Stigma

Dungeon Laboratory

Spearhead of Paradise Lost

Royal Castle Topaz Hall

Distorted Truth

Grave of Madness


Under the Pale Moon



2. Improvements to Quick Battle

It has been difficult to create full parties for Quick Battle due to time zone differences and players being from different countries.

In order to supplement this fact, parties of 3 will be able to earn extra cores in Quick Battle based on the damage dealt to the boss.

Also the raid monster's HP will be lower when departing as parties of 3 or 4 in Quick Battle.


[When Departing with Party of 4]

Amount of Extra Cores Obtained

Damage Dealt to Boss










[When Departing with Party of 3]

Amount of Extra Cores Obtained

Damage Dealt to Boss










3. Improvements to Redeemer Progress Stats


The difficulty of earning Redeemers progress stats, which haven't been applied in NA and Europe, will be improved.

Adjustments have been made to the previous progress stats that were earned by progress so that players can gain CRIT RTE +4 upon reaching 5% progress in each Redeemers battle.

You can find more details about the patch from the Ver 2.83 patch notes that will be released next week.


4. Addressing Macro Users and Bots

We have confirmed that there is wide spread damage caused by bots through the use of illegal programs or macros in NA and Europe.

We plan to restrict or permanently ban botters with a more stringent restriction processes.

We deeply apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced, and we will continue to improvements our methods of stopping such characters.


The Vindictus team is always listening to your opinions and feedback so that we may provide a more enjoyable game play experience.

We hope you look forward to the upcoming 12/07 patch update. Thank you.



Vindictus Team