Seeking the Alchemist's Lost Coins

  • 20 hours ago


Event Period
Mar 25th, 2025 (After Maintenance) - Apr 22nd, 2025 (Before Maintenance)

Exchange Shop Period
Mar 25th, 2025 (After Maintenance) - Apr 29th, 2025 (Before Maintenance)

(* Account Based Event)



Event Details

1. Obtain Lost Coins upon clearing Region Raid Battles (up to 25 per week).

- Weekly limits will reset every Tuesday at 7 AM UTC.

- Lost Coins can be received via account mail upon completing battle.

- You can receive Lost Coins by using Resenlian's Battle Completion Scroll.

- You can earn twice as many Lost Coins in Hero+ Mode.

2. Exchange the coins obtained for rewards at the Exchange Shop.

- Lost Coins can be used until 4/29/2025 07:00 AM UTC.


(* List of Eligible Battles are listed below.)


Exchange Shop Details

Item Name Acquired Quantity Coupons Required Tradability
Alchemist's VVIP Potion 1 20 Account Shareable
Alchemist's Runic Potion 1 20 Account Shareable
Alchemist's Cadet Badge Potion 1 15 Account Shareable
Alchemist's Mysterious Potion 1 15 Account Shareable
Alchemist's Abyssal Potion 1 15 Account Shareable
Alchemist's Enhanced Ability Potion 1 10 Account Shareable
Alchemist's Health Potion 1 1 Account Shareable


Reward Details

  • Alchemist's VVIP Potion
Item Name Acquired Quantity Probability Tradability
VVIP Service (3 Days) 1 25% Bound to Character
VVIP Service (5 Days) 1 70% Bound to Character
VVIP Service (7 Days) 1 5% Bound to Character


  • Alchemist's Runic Potion
Item Name Acquired Quantity Probability Tradability
Enhancement Rune (Gift) 1 20% Can use Shared Storage
Enchant Rune (Gift) 1 20% Can use Shared Storage
Unstable Enhancement Rune 2 30% Can use Shared Storage
Unstable Enchant Rune 2 30% Can use Shared Storage


  • Alchemist's Cadet Badge Potion
Item Name Acquired Quantity Probability Tradability
Cadet Badge Box (3 Days, AS) 1 70% Account Sharable
Cadet Badge Box (7 Days, AS) 1 20% Account Sharable
Cadet Badge Box (10 Days, AS) 1 10% Account Sharable


  • Alchemist's Mysterious Potion
Item Name Acquired Quantity Probability Tradability
Mysterious Shard Grade 3 1 85% Account Sharable (x1)
Mysterious Shard Grade 3 2 12% Account Sharable (x1)
Mysterious Shard Grade 3 3 3% Account Sharable (x1)


  • Alchemist's Abyssal Potion
Item Name Acquired Quantity Probability Tradability
Abyssal Shard Grade 3 1 85% Account Sharable (x1)
Abyssal Shard Grade 3 2 12% Account Sharable (x1)
Abyssal Shard Grade 3 3 3% Account Sharable (x1)


  • Alchemist's Enhanced Ability Potion
Item Name Acquired Quantity Probability Tradability
AP 2000 Capsule [AS] 1 40% Account Sharable
AP 2500 Capsule [AS] 1 25% Account Sharable
AP 3000 Capsule [AS] 1 20% Account Sharable
AP 3500 Capsule [AS] 1 10% Account Sharable
AP 4000 Capsule [AS] 1 5% Account Sharable


  • Alchemist's Health Potion
Item Name Acquired Quantity Probability Tradability
Exquisite HP Potion x3 Bundle [AS] 1 90% Account Sharable (x1)
Exquisite HP Potion x3 Bundle [AS] 2 7% Account Sharable (x1)
Exquisite HP Potion x3 Bundle [AS] 3 3% Account Sharable (x1)




  • The event is a per-account basis event.
  • Obtainable Lost Coin weekly limits reset every Tuesday at 7 AM UTC.
  • The number of battle clear counts for the missions resets on the following day at 07:00 AM UTC.
  • You can obtain up to 25 Lost Coins every week, up to 100 coins during the event period.
  • Lost Coins can be received via account mail upon completing battle.
  • Event items that are not specified as Account Sharable or Able to use Shared Storage are all bound to the character that acquired them.
  • Some event items have an expiration date fixed on the item tooltip.



Eligible Battle List

Raid Battle
Royal Castle Topaz Hall
Forgotten Altar
Dialectic of Death
Cavern of Enmity
Great Ministry
The Winds of Lochlann
The Sanctuary of Reconstruction
Grave of Swords
Sidhe Palace
The One Who Protects the Altar
False Confession
Glutton's Banquet