GM Coin Event: Season 5

  • 20 hours ago


Event Period
Mar 25th, 2025 (After Maintenance) - Jan 13th, 2026 (Before Maintenance)

Exchange Shop Period
Mar 25th, 2025 (After Maintenance) - Jan 20th, 2026 (Before Maintenance)

(* Per Account Event)



Event Details

1. Participate in Limited Community Events from our Official Discord Community.

2. Event Participants win special GM Coins as rewards

3. If each event reaches a certain number of participants, Non-participants receive GM Coins as well

- Non-Participants receive a smaller rewards than event participants.

4. Exchange GM Coins for special rewards in our limited in-game shop.


Detailed Event Scheudule

Event Schedule Reward
March 25th - May 20th Participants: 20 GM Coins
Non-Participants: 10 GM Coins
May 20th - June 17th Participants: 30 GM Coins
Non-Participants: 15 GM Coins
June 17th - July 15th Participants: 25 GM Coins
Non-Participants: 10 GM Coins
July 15th - August 12th Participants: 20 GM Coins
Non-Participants: 10 GM Coins
August 12th - September 16th Participants: 10 GM Coins
August 12th - October 21st Participants: 15 GM Coins
Non-Participants: 10 GM Coins
October 21st - November 18th Participants: 25 GM Coins
Non-Participants: 15 GM Coins
December 16th - January 13th Participants: 25 GM Coins
Non-Participants: 15 GM Coins

(* The schedule for each event is subject for change depending on the monthly update schedule)



Exchange Shop Details

Item Name Acquired Quantity Coupons Required Tradability Purchase Limit
Succubus Black Set 1 40 Account Shareable Once per Account
Old World Set 1 40 Account Shareable Once per Account
Malignant Set 1 40 Account Shareable Once per Account
Moneymaker Set 1 40 Account Shareable Once per Account
Special Outfit Set Destiny Box 1 40 Account Shareable 2 times per Account
Special Outfit Parts Destiny Box 1 20 Account Shareable -
Title: VANGUARD 1 10 Bound to Character Once per Character
Storage Chest Expansion Ticket 1 20 Account Shareable (x1) Once per Account
Permanent Inner Armor Coupon 1 20 Bound to Character Once per Character
Permanent Hair Coupon 1 20 Bound to Character Once per Character
Permanent Body Tattoo Coupon 1 20 Bound to Character Once per Character
Permanent Face Tattoo Coupon 1 20 Bound to Character Once per Character
Server Megaphone 3 5 Can use Shared Storage 10 times per Account
Ceara's Fatigue Potion (CB) 3 2 Bound to Character 30 times per Character
Merc Recovery Potion (CB) 3 1 Bound to Character 30 times per Character
Goddess Grace (CB) 3 2 Bound to Character 30 times per Character
Clodagh's Dye Ampoule (CB) 1 5 Bound to Character 10 times per Account
Outfit Dye Ampoule (CB) 1 10 Bound to Character 10 times per Account


Reward Details

  • Special Outfit Set Destiny Box
Item Name Outfit Type
Forgemaster Set Male
Dragon Qipao Set Male (Other than Karok, Hurk, Grimden)
Indomitable Fighter Set Male (Limited to Karok, Hurk, Grimden)
Full Moon Werewolf Set Male
Special Dragon Yukata Set Male
Infernal Battle Devil Set Male
Forgemistress Set Female
Fansy Qipao Set Female
Undead Doctor Death Set Female
Special Floral Yukata Set Female
Special Heavenly Goddess Set


  • Special Outfit Parts Destiny Box
Item Name
Elchulus Headgear
Wobbling Ducky Hairpin
Rupacitus Head Gear
Honeybee Headband
Fluffy Gremlin Slippers




  • Participants and Non-participants of the community event receive a different amount of GM Coins per event.
  • The rewards for each community event is given out upon end of each event, only through the official discord community server.
  • GM Coins are only available until January 20th, 2026 before expiration.
  • Event items that are not specified as Account Sharable or Able to use Shared Storage are all bound to the character that acquired them.