v.2.74 Patch Note

  • 4 years ago

2021-03-18 03:40 A.M. UTC Update:


"9. Skill Revemp" has been added to the V2.74 Patch Note. 


Major Content Table of Contents

  1. Character Balance Adjustments
  2. Path Transformation
  3. Changes and Balance Adjustments for Battles/Raids
  4. Seal Shop Revamp
  5. New and Returning Player Experience Revamp
  6. New Item – Body Type Slot
  7. Wardrobe Update
  8. Other Changes
  9. Skill Revamps



1. Character Balance Adjustments


  • Fixed the issue where, when you took damage from being stuck in certain objects during battle, you could withstand with guarding.
  • Changed: Suppression skills for all characters (except Delia and Miri) now cost 750 SP.

    • Miri's Active: Ancestral Garb now costs 750 SP.
  • Changed: Delia can no longer gain additional SP when successfully suppressing the enemy using Supernova.

  • Changed: invincible hitbox applied to all character skills (except suppression skills) is now a dodge hitbox.

    • Lann's Active: Fury No. 7

    • Fiona's Active: Shield Charge

    • Evie's Active: Arcane Gate

    • Karok's Active: Earthquake and Active: Hulking Fury

    • Vella's Active: Gale Cutter and Gale Cutter (used during attacks)

    • Lynn's Active: Jade Fox, Thunderleg after activating Active: Jade Fox, additional hit from Active: Divine Spear, and Active: Iron Breeze

    • Arisha's enhanced attack of Active: Ruin Blade, Active: Mana Capriccio, and Accentato used after stacking Breathless Rush to 20 stacks in Mana Bis state

    • Sylas using Active: Extinction Roar again after setting target

    • Delia's Active: Zenith

    • Grimden's Active: Million Daggers

    • Eira's Portal Leap, Active: Chaos Warp, and Active: Quantum Ruin

      • Portal Leap's invincibility hitbox when exiting a portal without attacking is now a dodge hitbox
    • Belle's Active: Volcanic Blast and Active: Whipping Wind

    • Lethor's Active: Aura Burst Rampage and Active: Lightning Fall
    • Kael's Active: Demos Uprising

    • Grimden's Dark Charge (briefly toward the end of the motion)

Developer's Notes: We noticed that gameplay difficulty varied greatly based on whether a character's skills had more robust ways of taking advantage of invincibility. To remedy this, we're going to make it so that all characters can become invincible through suppression skills, and we'll remove invincibility from normal skills entirely.

We apologize for making you wait while we figured out a way to re-balance this aspect of combat. It must has felt a little unfair or disadvantageous as times... but we're all about finding new ways to make Vindictus's gameplay more fun! We hope you like this change!

  • Changed: knockdown chance-related text in mastery/skill descriptions is now breakoff damage.
  • Changed: Waking Stone: Knockdown Rate is now Waking Stone: Breakoff DMG.

Developer's Notes: Although the text said "knockdown chance," raid bosses actually getting knocked down from the listed rate was fairly rare. The values mentioned more applied to breakoff damage than knockdown chance.

Think of it as a change in wording to more accurately reflect what is happening; the actual function remains unchanged.


[Lann - Twin Swords]

  • Fixed: you will no longer be hit by enemy attacks if using Nimble Dash after Slip Dash.
  • Changed: you can now move slightly faster after Slip Dash.

  • Changed: dodging attacks last longer via Nimble Dash.

  • Changed: you can now move slightly faster after Nimble Dash.

  • Changed: dodging attacks last longer via Slip Dash with Windmill.

  • Changed: Active: Raging Fever can now be quickly chained into after normal/smash attacks, dodges, and active skill motions.

  • New: Active: Raging Fever now restores STA if attacks are successful.

    • Restores 25 SP per attack and 50 SP if both double attacks are successful. 


[Lann - Twin Spears]

  • Changed: you can now move slightly faster after Spear Dash.

  • Changed: Spear Dash can be used slightly sooner after Belclaire's 2nd hit attack.

  • Changed: Spear Dash can be used slightly sooner via Moon Splitter.

  • Changed: Spear Dash can be used slightly sooner via Moon Grand Hurricane.


[Fiona - Longsword]

  • New: Ivy Sweep's turning kick attack now restores 15 STA.

    • Even if Ivy Sweep is chained from Amaranth Kick, it will restore STA.

  • Changed: DMG +10% via additional attack after Amaranth Kick.

  • Changed: Active: Shield Charge now costs 500 SP.

  • Changed: Active: Taunt's cooldown now lasts 180s.
  • Changed: DMG +54% for Active: Shield Bash.


[Evie - Staff]

  • Changed: shortened the period for which you could not deactivate normal Mana Amber.

  • Fixed: damage for Active: Ice Blow and Active: Guided Lightning no longer overlap one another.

    • Fixed: skills no longer deal duplicative damage as unintended. Ranged DMG +75%.

  • Changed: lowered the chance to freeze a raid boss via with Active: Ice Spear and Active: Ice Blow.

    • Frozen chance for normal monsters/bosses remains unchained.

  • Changed: Active: Regeneration's cooldown now lasts 240s.

  • Fixed: Moving Focus no longer uses Lv. 2 magic at times when it hasn't first used Lv. 1 magic.


[Karok - Common]

  • Fixed: STA cost is no longer higher than intended if you dodge while under a status effect (blight) that increases STA cost.

  • Fixed: Active: Shout's cooldown period is no longer extended (test server-found bug).


[Karok - Battle Pillar]

  • Changed: you can now move slightly quicker after Rolling Strike.

[Kai - Bow]

  • Changed: dodge period extended where applicable.

  • Changed: you can now move slightly faster after dodging.

  • Fixed: Prey Drive no longer changes hit count based on a monster's size.

    • Headshot's hitbox will be removed from Prey Drive since it applied depending on the monster's shape. Prey Drive will get DMG +26% instead.

  • Fixed: you can now chain attacks when dodging via Fixed Shot.


[Kai - Cross Gun]

  • Changed: dodge period extended where applicable.

  • Changed: you can now move slightly faster after dodging.

  • Changed: you can now use a standing dodge slightly faster after a moving dodge.

  • Fixed: you can no longer dodge consecutively if you keep holding the dodge button without inputting movement.

  • Changed: Active: Hunting Party's max SP gain is now 8% for party members.

    • The caster's SP gain remains unchanged.


[Vella - Twin Swords]

  • Changed: Slipaway can be used slightly faster after Backlash.


[Vella - Twin Chainblades]

  • Changed: dodge period extended for Glint.
  • Changed: you can now move slightly faster after Glint.


[Hurk - Teide]

  • Changed: you can now move slightly faster after Barrel Roll.

  • Changed: distance moved during Barrel Roll increased.

  • Changed: fewer hits are now required to inflict wounds for Lacerate to make inflicting them faster.

    • Rank 7: Flesh Wound requires 1 hit

    • Rank 7: Open Wound requires 3 hits
    • Rank 7: Gaping Wound requires 5 hits

  • Flesh Wounds now last 40s.

  • Open Wounds now last 35s.

  • Gaping Wounds now last 30s.

  • New: Active: Spinning Slash can now block enemies.

    • Attacks from enemies will be blocked if this skill is used exactly when they strike.

  • Changed: damage boosted for Active: Split Slash.

    • Rank A: DMG +9%
  • Changed: wound duration for Active: Bloodletting extended. Cooldown period shortened.

    • Rank 7: wound duration now lasts 60s.

    • Cooldown period shortened by 10s.


  • Changed: Enchanced Bullets are now priority bullets if loaded.

  • Changed: successful attacks with Enhanced Bullets are displayed as yellow damage.

  • Changed: Barrel Roll can now be chained faster from Active: Spinning Slash.

  • Changed: Active: Spinning Slash can now be chained quickly from Barrel Roll.


[Lynn - Glaive]

  • Changed: Dodge period extended for Little Rat.

  •  Changed: Little Rat can be used slightly sooner after Thunderleg.

  •  Changed: Little Rat can now be used until just before you go idle after Thunderleg.


[Lynn - Battleshade]

  • Changed: Active: Flora Break's block hitbox has been expanded to block a varitety of other attacks.

  • Changed: a single attack motion via Spiked Ferrule can only restore up to the max amount of HP.


[Arisha - Spellsword]

  • Changed: MP/Mana sum can no longer exceed 500.
    • Scenario 1: if you have 300 MP, you can only accumulate up to 200 Mana.

    • Scenario 2: if Counter Drain is successful while you have 350 MP/150 Mana, your MP will then have 450 MP and 50 Mana.

    • Scenario 3: If Active: Resonance is successful while you have 380 MP, you can only accumulate up to 230 Mana.

  • Diffusion Warp's DMG -5%.

  • Fixed: Diffusion Warp's attack hitbox now has better reach on monsters with unusual shapes.

  • Changed: Active: Counter Drain's MP gain methods have been adjusted.

    • +50 MP upon use; +50 MP upon successful counterattacks.

  • Changed: Active: Ruin Blade has received the below adjustments.

    • It is now not as easy to be canceled by enemy attacks.

    • Some attack hitboxes now have better reach.

    • The activation command for the enhanced attack has been simplified to "up-down-left-right."

  • Changed: Active: Resonance has received the below adjustments.

    • You will no longer be knocked down by most attacks and DEF -20% during casting period.

    • You can now cancel casting via Diffusion Shift or Mana Drain, but SP will not be returned.


[Arisha - Spellwhip]

  • Changed: Stringendo Strike's DMG -12%.

  • Changed: Accentato's DMG -12%.

  • Changed: Breathless Rush 20-stack icon is now a different color from stacks 1-19.

  • Changed: Mana Shock (STA cost penalties) after using Prestissimo has been removed.



  • Fixed: monsters will now be hit if you use Illusion Fist's enhanced attack while moving.

  • Changed: Active: Illusion Shield's cooldown is now 180s.

  • Fixed: Phantom Shard's damage is no longer reduced when you attack post-Dark Knight transformation.

  • Fixed: Phantom Shard's damage is no longer reduced when you attack post-Paladin transformation.



  • Fixed: you can now dodge enemy attacks via Hot Streak without inputting a movement key.

  • Changed: Active: Ancestral Garb now has an invincible hitbox.



  • Changed: Active: Chaos Warp now costs 150 SP.



  • Changed: Deforestation's DMG -5%; damage increase from perfectly timed attacks is now 20% instead of 30%.

  • Changed: Active: Landslide's DMG -5%; damage increase from perfectly timed attacks is now 20% instead of 30%.

  • Changed: charging up Rushing River now uses STA.

    • STA cost upon attacking after charging up reduced.


Character Balance Adjustments - PvP

  • The below changes only apply to PvP.


[Karok - Cestus]

  • Changed: Weaving's invincibility period -50%.

  • Changed: Bobbing's invincibility period -50%.


[Lynn - Battleshade]

  • Changed: Spiked Ferrule no longer restores HP.


[Arisha - Spellsword]

  • Changed: Arcane Flurry's damage is no longer set lower than its original damage.



  • Changed: the launch hitbox for Spinethrow is now a normal attack hitbox.

  • Changed: the launch hitbox for Fiery Chainswing's fourth attack is now a normal attack hitbox.



  • Changed: sprinting and charging up for Decimation now costs STA.



  • Changed: the hitboxes from Bullet Storm and Bullet Hail now deal all damage instead of only partial damage.
  • Changed: the hitbox from Flux Rounds now deals all damage instead of only partial damage.

  • Changed: the hitboxes from Active: Phase Burst, Active: Infinity Shot, and Quantum Ruin now deal all damage instead of only partial damage.



  • Changed: you can no longer gain Nature's Might via Beaten Path.
  • Changed: you can now be knocked down with a strong attack while using Flare-up's attack motion.

  • Changed: charging up for Rushing River now costs STA.

  • Changed: Rushing River's damage when fully charged has been cut in half.



  • Changed: sprinting and charging up for Dragon Strike now costs STA.

  • Changed: the hitbox from Active: Aura Burst Rampage now deals all damage instead of only partial damage.



  • Changed: Guardian's Blade: Parry's invincibility period had been shortened by 23%.


2. Path Transformation

Path Transformation

  • Changed: impact SPD is no longer applied via melee attacks after Path Transformation.

    • Impact SPD via melee attacks before translation remains unchanged.

  • Paladin's Grace: Fatigue and Dark Knight's Revelation: Fatigue have been reverted to their state before being trained.

    • TP spent training and ranking up these skills will be returned.

    • Revelation: Fatigue and Grace: Fatigue skills have been removed; they cannot be learned in the future.

Developer's Notes: Path Transformation's effects used to provide the same stats across the board for all characters regardless of individual capabilities. This created a massive unbalance in Transformation's value from character to character; some gained massive strength in combat, while others weren't getting much out of it at all. We've now changed it so you can choose between the brand-new Impact and Fervor skills in accordance to your character's traits.

  • Impact and Fervor are as below.

    • Fervor: boosts ADD DMG according to skill rank. 

    • Impact: boosts Impact SPD according to skill rank.

    • You can only choose ONE of these skills. Once you've made your choice between Fervor or Impact, you cannot learn the other skill.  

  • Changed: the below skills do no longer cost SP when you use Path Transformation.

    • Active: Purging Light

    • Active: Sacred Sword

    • Active: Prison of Destruction

    • Active: Punishment



  • New skill: Fervor.

    • Boosts Additional Damage according to skill rank. 

  • Each rank for Fervor changes how much ADD DMG is dealt. 

Rank Skill Name ADD DMG
F Fervor 300
E Fervor 500
D Fervor 700
C Fervor 1000
B Fervor 1300
A Fervor 1600
  • New skill: Impact.

    • Boosts Impact Speed according to skill rank. 

Rank Skill Name Impact SPD
F Impact 10%
E Impact 20%
D Impact 30%
C Impact 50%
B Impact 70%
A Impact 100%


[Dark Knight]

  • New skill: Fervor.

    • Boosts Additional Damage according to skill rank.

  • Each rank for Fervor changes how much ADD DMG is dealt. 

Rank Skill Name ADD DMG
F Fervor 300
E Fervor 500
D Fervor 700
C Fervor 1000
B Fervor 1300
A Fervor 1600
  • New skill: Impact.

    •  Boosts Impact Speed according to skill rank. 

Rank Skill Name Impact SPD
F Impact 10%
E Impact 20%
D Impact 30%
C Impact 50%
B Impact 70%
A Impact 100%
  • A new story where you can reset Path Skills is now available.

    • You will be able to reset Path Skills through the Strange Traveler in Colhen free of charge.

    • A button indicating that you wish to reset them will appear under the Other menu. It will only appear for Lv. 60+ characters.

    • The path you chose in Pact: Mission and Faith, however, will not be reset.

  • All TP you used to train your Path Skills will be returned upon reset EXCEPT for the two below.

    • Active: Dark Knight Transformation

    • Active: Paladin Transformation


3. Changes and Balance Adjustments for Battles/Raids


  • Changed: the Dullness status effect (blight) has received the below changes.

    • Boosts STA cost and inflicts CRIT -3 for 20s

  • Fixed: STA no longer fully heals under certain circumstances in battle.

  • Changed: Cromm Cruaich's Conflagration during God of Death's Hero Mode has received the below changes.

    • the total running time for Conflagration is now 60s—the same as [S] God of Death.

    • you can no longer attack/inflict damage to Cromm Cruaich during Conflagration.

      • This change also applies to [S] God of Death.
  • Changed: armor can no longer be destroyed when taking hits in personal training sites like the Honor/Free Training Sites.

  • Fixed: the boss will no longer exit the battle if a party member is still alive in Redeemers battles Sea of Reflection, Dark Side of the Moon, and Tempering the Sword.

  • Fixed: characters will no longer exit their designated location in the middle of a cut scene.

  • Fixed: cutscenes for certain battles will no longer present themselves in an unintended manner.

  • Changed: you can now press the Hand Action key [E] to gather lumunaries if within range.

  • Changed: the selected chat tab selected will no longer default back to the Channel tab while waiting for departure or in battle.

  • Fixed: Lann can now use Swift Fury in the arena.

  • Fixed: you will no longer receive an idle penalty when using the catapult in Siege Match.


Battle Balance Revamp: Raid Battles

  • Changed: stun and knockdown from accumulated damage will not longer occur for raid bosses.

Developer's Notes: Raids used to take a decent while to complete, so stuns and knockdowns via stacking damage were essential and valid strategies to claim victory. Nowadays, though, players finished them quickly, so these features work against players and are more of a nuisance. To better aid players, we decided to remove them altogether.

  • These above has been removed from the below battles.

  • Note: stuns and knockdowns from suppression skills are still active.

    • Battle "The Missing Soul" - Dullahan

    • Battle "The Price of Failure" - Aes Sidhe

    • Battle "Iron Fist" - Arcana

    • Battle "Distorted Truth" - Rupacitus

    • Battle "Surprise Attack" - Claire

    • Battle "Devil's Tower" - Eternal Elchulus

    • Battle "Red Stigma" - Macha

    • Battle "Grave of Madness" - Agares

    • Battle "Brilliant Lugh" - Lugh Lamhfada

    • Battle "Eweca's Nightmare" - Selren

    • Battle "Dungeon Laboratory" - Marject

    • Battle "Remembrance" - Aodhan

    • Battle "Battle of Rocheste" - Cesar

    • Battle "Clan of Darkness" - Nyle

    • Battle "Spearhead of Paradise Lost" - Ragnahim

    • Battle "Under the Pale Moon" - Siete

  • Changed: combat patterns for bosses in the below battles have been adjusted.

    • Battle "Iron Fist" - Arcana

      • The shooting mode pattern no longer occurs during solo play.

    • Battle "Red Stigma" - Macha

      • Certain undodgeable/unguardable attacks are now normal attacks.

      • Certain undodgeable/unguardable attacks are now normal unguardable attacks.

      • The attack when Macha's swords fall from the sky in the second half of the battle now only occurs once.

    • Battle "Grave of Madness" - Agares

      • If a player with the Threat status effect (blight) takes Agares's suppression attack, the blight will now continue to remain on all other party members.

    • Battle "Brilliant Lugh" - Lugh Lamhfada

      • The difficulty for certain undodgeable/unguardable attacks has been adjusted.

      • The in-battle messages related to Tathlum orbs have been tweaked.

      • The icons for orbs have been changed to make it easier to distinguish the amount absorbed.

      • If you have absorbed an orb, then Lugh Lamhfada's attacks can no longer reduce you to Tathlum Absorption: Lv. 0; you will always have at least one stack at minimum.

      • New: Tathlum Absorption: Lv. 4 status effect (boon). You will no longer take orb damage if you're at Lv. 3 or Lv. 4.

        • Absorbing 5 orbs will inflict the Petrification status effect (blight) upon you.

    • Battle "Eweca's Nightmare" - Selren

      • Selren will no longer go berserk after a successful suppression attack via Energy Absorption.

      • You can now move when the map's lighting changes during Energy Absorption's opening cut scene.

      • Later phase changes are now camera effects instead of cut scenes. You can now move during these changes.

      • The pattern when Selren rises to the sky and emits her energy in a single burst no longer occurs.

    • Battle "Dungeon Laboratory" - Marject

      • The flame breath undodgeable/unguardable attack is now a normal attack.

      • Certain attacks have had difficulty adjusted.

    • Battle "Remembrance" - Aodhan

      • Battle "Remembrance" - Aodhan

      • Changed: damage from undodgeable/unguardable attacks have been adjusted in the below battles.

    • Battle "Iron Fist" - Arcana

      • The first undodgeable/unguardable attack from swinging the combined weapon is now a normal unguardable attack.

    • Battle "Surprise Attack" - Claire

      • The raining arrows summoned in battle now do less damage.

    • Battle "Brilliant Lugh" - Lugh Lamhfada

      • The all-map AoE attack at the end of Tathlum Blast does less damage.

      • The spear-charging and emitting undodgeable/unguardable attack is now a normal unguardable attack.

      • The spear-charging, emitting, and slamming forward undodgeable/unguardable attack is now a normal unguardable attack.

    • Battle "Eweca's Nightmare" - Selren

      • The last charm-sequence AoE attack now does less damage.

    • Battle "Remembrance" - Aodhan

      • The targeted undodgeable/unguardable charge attack is now a normal unguardable charge attack.

    • Battle "Spearhead of Paradise Lost" - Ragnahim

      • The phase three grab > suppression attack pattern is now an AoE attack.


Battle Balance Revamp: Redeemers Battles

  • Battle "Tempering the Sword" - Brigid

    • Brigid no longer uses her suppression attack consecutively during her second and third phases.

    • A red indicator shows when a character is targeted by Brigid's suppression attack during her second and third phases.

    • The activation range and speed more lenient for Brigid's suppression attack during her second and third phases.

    • Fixed: characters no longer overlap via camera angles after Brigid's battle.


Battle Balance Revamp: Normal Battles

  • Changed: the number of map transitions after you depart for non-story battles in Berbhe has been reduced.

    • Changed: there are now two map transitions instead of three.
  • Changed: locations for luminaries, boss spawns, etc., adjusted.

  • Changed: bonus missions for certain battles have been adjusted.

  • Changed: improved traps that made movement difficult in certain areas.

  • Changed: the number of normal monsters for certain areas has been adjusted.

  • Changed: the gold rewarded to you has been adjusted to account for fewer maps.

  • The above changes apply to the below battles.

    • Downtown Berbhe (Lv. 90-95)

      • World of Pain

      • The Devil's Cook

      • Burning Vice

      • The Operating Room

      • Rescue Mission

      • Deep Corruption

      • A Moment's Notice

      • Shattered Will

    • Donegal (Lv. 95-100)

      • A Long, Dark Path

      • Frozen Land

      • Nothing to Lose

      • You Only Live Once

      • Impermanence

      • A Clue

      • What to Believe In

    • Aidan (Lv. 95-100)

      • Fort of Oblivion

      • Supply Lines

      • Light's Warning

      • Repeated Alert

      • Cold Comfort

      • Broken Interdiction

      • Greed's End

  • Changed: traps and the number of normal monsters have been adjusted in the below battles.

    • Lochlann Plains (Lv. 90-95)

      • Abandoned Ruins


Battle Balance Revamp: Normal Battles

  • Changed: normal battles in Colhen and Rocheste regions have been adjusted.
    • Changed: there are now two map transitions instead of three.

    • Changed: certain battles only have a single map.

  • Changed: bonus missions for certain battles have been adjusted.

  • Changed: removed traps that made movement difficult in certain areas.

  • Changed: the number of normal monsters for certain areas has been adjusted.

  • Changed: the HP for normal bosses has been increased.

  • The above changes apply to the below Colhen region battles.

    • Perilous Ruins (Lv. 1-10)

    • Hoarfrost Hollow (Lv. 10-21)

    • Ainle (Lv. 22-31)

    • Prairie (Lv. 32-39)

    • Hoarfrost Depths (Lv. 42-52)

    • Hilder Forest Ruins (Lv. 53-58)

    • Albey (Lv. 60-65)

    • Heide (Lv. 60-65)

  • The above changes apply to the below Rocheste region battles.

    • Ortel Castle (Lv. 50-65)

    • Fomorian Base (Lv. 59-59)

    • Sewer (Lv. 59-60)

    • The Catacombs (Lv. 60-65)

  • Changed: you can now depart as a party from normal battles.

    • Changed: up to four players can now depart.

    • Changed: Hero Mode bosses now have more HP.

    • Changed: bonus missions for certain battles can now be achieve as a party (P).

    • Changed: certain battle regions now only allow for solo departures.

    • Colhen Region

    • Rocheste Region

    • Malina Region

    • Berbhe Region

  • Changed: normal battle region bosses' HP now scale higher according to the number of players in your party.

    • This change applies if you have two, three, or four players in your party.

    • Colhen Region

    • Malina Region

    • Rocheste Region

    • Berbhe Region

  • Changed: normal battle bosses in the Colhen and Rocheste regions now have more HP.

    • Only certain regions were selected for these HP boosts to better balance the game.

  • Changed: Awakening - Armor of Ivory has been revamped.

    • Changed: the number of normal monsters has been adjusted.

  • Changed: a certain monster is now summoned to the Hoarfrost Depths region. 

    • King Ice Jelly 

  • Changed: normal battles in the Malina region have been revamped. 

    • Changed: there are now two map transitions instead of three.

  • Changed: removed traps that made movement difficult in certain areas.

  • Changed: the number of normal monsters for certain areas has been adjusted.

  • Changed: bonus missions for certain battles have been adjusted.

  • Changed: the HP for normal bosses has been increased.

  • The above changes apply to the below Malina region battles. 

    •  Ship Graveyard (Lv. 67-70)
      • Battle "Treasure Hunt"

    • Twilight Desert (Lv. 70-75)

    •  Misty Summit (Lv. 75-77)

  • Changed: normal bosses in certain regions now have more HP.

    • Crescent Moon Island (Lv. 65-70)

    • Annwyn (Lv. 77-80)

  • Changed: normal battle region bosses' HP now scale higher according to the number of players in your party.

    • This change applies if you have two, three, or four players in your party.

    • Colhen Region

    • Malina Region

    • Rocheste Region

    • Berbhe Region

  • Changed: Awakening - Armor of Ivory has been revamped.

    • Changed: you can no longer defeat the Emperor before Paladin Transformation.

    • Changed: the Emperor now has more HP.

  • Changed: Secret Waterway has been revamped.

  • Changed: removed traps that made movement difficult in certain areas.

  • Changed: a visual now indicates when the Hellspike is vulnerable to attack in Gates of Hell.

  • Fixed: you can now properly progress through Glowing Plant in the Ben Chenner Entrance region.



[Season 4 Battle Changes]

  • Changed: the DEF/ATT cap for monsters in the below battles have been adjusted.

    • Clan of Darkness monster DEF/ATT cap +500.

    • Spearhead of Paradise Lost monster DEF/ATT cap +1000.

    • Under the Pale Moon monster DEF/ATT cap +1500.

  • Changed: the Battle Power requirements for quick battle in the below battles have been adjusted.

    • Clan of Darkness quick battle's Battle Power requirement +500.

    • Spearhead of Paradise Lost quick battle's Battle Power requirement +1000.

    • Under the Pale Moo quick battle's Battle Power requirement +1500.


[Rewards According to Contributions in Damage to Boss]

  • New: there are now penalties related to reward distribution if you hardly contribute damage in a boss battle.
    • It used to be that if your contribution was below 1% in normal battles or 7% in raid battles, you earned only one base reward.

    • Now, in addition to the above penalty, you will earn only 1 AP, and EXP/gold earned is reduced to 20%.




  • Changed: improved attack hitbox range of Masaka Smash (item ability).

    • this also applies to the Masaka's Footsteps (pet effect).

  • Fixed: damage dealt during certain phases of Dark Side of the Moon is now properly reflected on the battle results window.

  • Fixed: erg pots should now always appear in Ainle at Stake.

  • Fixed: party member characters no longer turn around during a "boss defeated" cut scene.


4. Seal Shop Revamp

Seal Shop

  • Changed: the below Lv. 95 equipment are no longer sold in the Triumph Medal Shop.

    • Heroic Legendary Chunk (Lv. 95)

    • Heroid Power Seal (Lv. 95)

  • New: Fortune Cookies are now sold in the Honor Medal Shop.

  • New: the Battle Region Emblem Destiny Box is now sold in the Honor Medal Shop in lieu of emblems from precious regions.

    • Open the box to select and claim one of 21 available region emblems (9 from existing regions and 12 from new regions).

  • Changed: the below Lv. 95 equipment are no longer sold in the Seal of Bravery Shop.

    • +13 Restorative Enhancement Rune (Lv. 95) (Gift)

    • Dullahan's Essence: Weapon Box

    • Dullahan's Essence: Head Armor Box

    • Dullahan's Essence: Chest Armor Box

    • Dullahan's Essence: Leg Armor Box

    • Dullahan's Essence: Hand Armor Box

    • Dullahan's Essence: Feet Armor Box

    • Keen Legendary Chunk Box

    • Stable Legendary Chunk Box

    • Lightweight Legendary Chunk Box

    • Perfect Legendary Chunk Box

    • Solid Legendary Chunk Box

    • Smooth Legendary Chunk Box

  • New: the below items are now sold in the Seal of Bravery Shop.

New Items Quantity Seal Requirement Purchase Restriction
Critical +1 Element Stone 1 100 None
Balance +1 Element Stone 1 100 None
+13 Restorative Enhancement Rune (Lv. 100 Weapon, Gift) 1 120 None
Astera's Essence: Weapon 1 100 None
Astera's Essence: Equipment Destiny Box 1 70 None
Legendary Ore Destiny Box 1 60 None
Ampoule Extractor (Binding) 1 15 Max 20 per Month

Critical and Balance +1 Element Stones boost the listed stat without fail. Limited to Power Infusion attempts on weapons, auxiliary equipment, or accessories. 

  • The number of seals requires for essence boxes, necessary for crafting accessories, had been adjusted as below.

Items Old Seals Requirement New Seal Requirement
Aes Sidhe's Essence Box 95 50
Abomination's Essence Box 55 50
Eochaid's Essence Box 55 50
Dullahan's Essence Box 95 50
  • New: the below items are now sold in the Guild Seal Shop.

New Items Quantity Seal Requirement Purchase Restriction
Critical +1 Element Stone 1 200 None
Balance +1 Element Stone 1 200 None

The above items have the same specs as the ones sold in the Seal of Bravery Shop.


5. New and Returning Player Experience Revamp

  • New: special icons will show for new and returning mercenaries.

    • They will display in various chats, towns, battles, and other such places.

    • The rookie icon will display if all of your player characters are at Lv. 90 or below.

Rookies Icon Returning Mercenaries Icon 

Targeting Rookies Targeting Returning Mercenaries

For Lv. 90 or below players

Eligible Period: once a character us Lv. 101+ and 30 days have passed, the icon will disappear.

Accounts that have not logged into the game for 30+ days

For accounts that haven't logged in for 30+ days

Eligible Period: the icon disappears after 30 have days passed.


Long Time No See Perks

  • Accounts that have not logged into the game for 30 days or longer earn Long Time No See perks.

    • So long as you satisfy the above requirement, it doesn't matter if you're a rookie or returning mercenary.

    • Characters created after this is live are not eligible.

    • Claim weapons, armor, accessories, etc. according to the character level long with various 15-day outfit sets!

    • Learn more about this on the website announcement under "Long Time No See perks."


Developer's Notes: The Tour of Duty rewards have been changed to the Long Time No See perks.


Goals for Character Growth

  • Changed: rewards for the goals currently in progress are slightly easier to recognize in the Character Growth Goals UI.

  • Changed: the grade and quantity of the reward earned are displayed in system messages.

  • Changed: the reward EXP earned after completing a story objective is displayed in system messages.

  • New: the below Character Growth Goal rewards have been added.

    • at Lv. 70: Lv. 70 Battle Support Package

    • at Lv. 80: Lv. 80 Battle Support Package

Claim the Nighthawk Set upon reaching Lv. 70 and the Armageddon Set upon reaching Lv. 80!

If your characters are Lv. 90+ and have logged in within the last 30 days at the time of this update, the above growth level rewards will be sent to you.



  • Changed: if a composited weapon is rewarded during a character's growth, the prefix enchant for the item given will be changed from Righteous to Immoral.

    • Changed: get a +12 Immoral Judgment Lv. 90 Weapon instead of a +12 Righteous Judgment Lv. 90 Weapon from the Lv. 90 Reinforcement Full Package, which you get for reaching Lv. 90 in the Character Growth Goal system.

    • Changed: get an Immoral Judgment Lv. 95 Weapon instead of a Righteous Judgment Lv. 95 Weapon from the Enchanted Dullahan Weapon Destiny Box, which you get for completing the Traveler's Raid Battle Support story.

  • Changed: chance to earn dismantleable normal equipment from Lv. 80 or below normal battles has been greatly reduced.

  • Changed: four new dismantle-exclusive items can be earned from Lv. 95 raids.

    • These items are the Elemental Cloth Bundle, Elemental Accessory Shard, Elemental Weapon Shard, and Elemental Armor Shard, and they drop from The Missing Soul, The Price of Failure, Iron Fist, and Distorted Truth.

    • Use Expertise Dismantling to dismantle them and claim materials for crafting element stones!

  • New: the Elemental Material sub-category has been added to the Marketplace.

    • This sub-category can be found under the Material category.

  • Changed: rare grade Essence: Weapon/Chest Armor/Leg Armor will still have their abilities sealed.

    • Gain abilities by completing the weapon/armor through NPC Crafting or Expertise Crafting.

    • If you use Essence: Weapon/Chest Armor/Leg Armor with sealed abilities as material in replacement compositing, their current abilities will be replaced with new ones.

    • Abilities for items you already claimed before will remain unsealed.

  • New: you can change to the Reality Distortion Lv. 2 ability via Material Synthesis.


6. New Item – Body Type Slot

  • Changed the Robe Slot under the NX item slots to Body Type Slot.

  • You can create Body Type items by using an Appearance Alteration Coupon.

    • When you select Avatar Shop > Body Type or Skin tabs > Create New Body Type, then change your appearance, the Body Type item will be created.

    • If you would like to edit a Body Type you already created, you will need an additional Appearance Alteration Coupon.

  • You can apply separate levels of glossiness to Body Type items.

  • You can give custom names to Body Type items.

  • You can equip Body Types to the Body Type slot in your NX Storage Chest.

  • Body Types can also be equipped from the Simulation Area in the Wardrobe.

  • You can now save appearances, including Body Types, in the Wardrobe's Appearance Settings Area.


7. Wardrobe Update

  • Added 14 Clone Outfit Crafting Box skills to the Wardrobe.
Skills Wardrobe Points Needed
Clone Outfit Crafting Box [09] 915
Clone Outfit Crafting Box [10] 1,080
Clone Outfit Crafting Box [11] 1,415
Clone Outfit Crafting Box [12] 1,580
Clone Outfit Crafting Box [13] 1,915
Clone Outfit Crafting Box [14] 2,080
Clone Outfit Crafting Box [15] 2,415
Clone Outfit Crafting Box [16] 2,580
Clone Outfit Crafting Box [17] 2,915
Clone Outfit Crafting Box [18] 3,080
Clone Outfit Crafting Box [19] 3,415
Clone Outfit Crafting Box [20] 3,580
Clone Outfit Crafting Box [21] 3,915
Clone Outfit Crafting Box [22] 4,080
  • Starting with your second character, the AP needed to unlock Wardrobe Skills have been greatly reduced.

Skills Old Value New Value





Each Additional






Each Additional

Add Dye Slot 0 10,000 25,000 0 5,000 6,000
Add Appearance Preset Slot 0 5,000 10,000 0 1,500 2,000
Title 0 3,500 8,000 0 1,000 1,500
Emblem 0 2,000 6,000 0 700 1,000
Emote 0 8,000 15,000 0 2,000 3,000
Quick Ampoule Crafting 0 8,000 15,000 0 5,000 6,000
Quick Ampoule Crafting Additional Color 0 8,000 15,000 0 5,000 6,000
Quick Ampoule Crafting Preview Discount 0 8,000 15,000 0 5,000 6,000
Superior Ampoule Crafting 0 8,000 15,000 0 5,000 6,000
Special Ampoule Crafting 0 8,000 15,000 0 5,000 6,000
Premium Outfit Dye Ampoule Quantity 0 8,000 15,000 0 5,000 6,000
Add Object Fatigue Points 0 5,000 10,000 0 500 800
Obtain Clone Outfit Crafting Box - - - - - -
  • You can now unlock Wardrobe Skills for other characters within your account.

    • Characters that did not learn the skill cannot unlock the skill for other characters.


8. Other Changes

Mag Mell Arena Season 2

  • Preseason will run until 7 AM UTC on 3/16/2021. Season 2 will begin after the scheduled maintenance on 3/16/2021.

  • Mag Mell Arena Season 1 will run from 3/16/2021 after scheduled maintenance - 5/4/2021 at 7 AM UTC.


Character Battle Changes

[Kai - Bow]

  • Fixed an issue where dodge would be unintentionally triggered multiple times while rapidly mashing the dodge key.


[Kai - Cross Gun]

  • Dodge can be used repeatedly by holding the key down, as before.

  • Fixed an issue where dodge sometimes triggered unusually slowly after using certain skills.

  • While in Active: Enhanced Bolt state, you can now trigger Active: Hollow Shot's additional attacks even when you are holding down the normal attack button.


[Vella - Twin Chainblades]

  • Fixed an issue where there was a high chance of gaining only 2 Cold-Hearted stacks when accurately hitting an enemy with Active: Glacial Strike.


[Hurk - Greatsword]

  • Fixed an issue where Impenetrable's duration was shorter than intended when blocking attacks with Charge or Blockade.


[Hurk - Teide]

  • Active: True Shot

    • Fixed an issue where the damage was not displaying in yellow when you successfully landed a True Shot with Enhanced Bullet.

    • Fixed an issue where canceling True Shot would still incur a cooldown.

  • The self-stun inflected after blocking an enemy attack with Active: Spinning Slash has been shortened.



  • Improved the impact delay when attacking with Illusion Fist and enhanced attack.



  • Fixed an issue where the dodge hitbox was not being applied after Dark Charge.



  • Added a Read All button to the Mailbox.

    • When you click the Read All button, all unread mail in the Inbox and the Account Mail tabs will be marked as read.

    • Note that Read All does not accept items attached to mail. You still need to use the Accept or Receive All buttons to get those.

  • You can now see the total number of mails in your Account Mailbox.

    • For example, if you have 40 mails in your Account Mailbox, it will show as "40 / 36".

    • Since the Mailbox can hold up to 36 mails, any mails exceeding that can only be received when you delete the mails you already have.

  • Added a Help entry related to mails exceeding the limit to the top right of the Mailbox window.

  • Account Mail items can now be accepted regardless of level.

  • Fixed an issue where the > button to view the next item in the Read Mail window was unresponsive.



  • Fixed an issue where, if you hid the UI using the Hide Display feature, you could not proceed with Expertise Crafting.

  • The item purchase window will no longer open while you are previewing items in the Marketplace.

  • Fixed an issue where the outline was not displayed for Rare items in the Exchange Shop.

  • Deleted characters will now be removed from the list of Talk members.

  • Fixed an issue where the Notification button and Royal Army Raid Departure waiting list window overlapped at certain UI sizes.

  • Fixed an issue where the error pop-up window displayed upon pressing the Enter key after closing the Friends (Shortcut Key: O) window.

  • Fixed an issue where you could not scroll through the Chat Partner list with the mouse scroll wheel under the Whisper tab in the Friends (Shortcut Key: O) window.

  • Fixed an issue where some Controls options, such as the "Auto-Aim at Enemies When Throwing", would reset after changing to a different character.

  • Added the Receive All button to the Account Mail tab under the Mailbox.

  • Fixed an issue where the Quick Departure UI settings would reset after using Quick Character Change.

  • Fixed an issue where some UI elements disappeared when you used an object while selecting a character's Mood Mission.

  • Removed the tradability note from the Result Item tooltip when extracting colors during Quick Ampoule Crafting in the Wardrobe.

  • Fixed an issue where the party list window was hiding other windows.

  • Fixed an issue where some Wardrobe Skills' descriptions overlapped in the Wardrobe.



  • Incorporated the Traveler's support stories, which were given at Lv. 95 and Lv. 100, into Main Stream.

    • When you complete Season 3 Episode 8, you will progress through the Traveler's Raid Battle Support story. 

      After completing that support story, you will continue on to Season 3 Episode 8: Extra Episode.

    • Similarly, when you complete Season 3 Episode 9, you will progress through the Traveler's Astera Raid Support story.

      After completing that story, it will continue on to Season 3 Episode 10.

    • This will allow new characters to get Lv. 95 support equipment, as well as accessories for Counterforce, at a useful point during the Main Stream story.

  • It is now possible to skip certain accessories and progress through the story when going through Traveler's Astera Raid Support and Traveler's Additional Astera Raid Support stories.

    • Some players will already have better accessories by the time they reach these support stories.

    • To address this, you may now complete the story without crafting new, unneeded accessories.

  • Unified the presentation at the end of each episode in Main Stream, as there were slight differences per episode.

  • There is now additional guidance in Story Hints to help you find Diannan by going to the Rocheste Magician's Guild at certain points in the story.

  • Added the Key Story category to the Story screen.

    • The Key Story category includes stories that are not part of the Main Stream, but are seasonal events that you won't want to miss or stories that otherwise provide great benefits.

    • Key Stories will be shown under Story Hints as soon as they're unlocked, just like Main Stream stories. They will also be marked by star icons in various UI screens to indicate their importance.



  • Made some changes to notification functionality.

    • Opening a window after being prompted by a notification will mark all relevant notifications as read.

    • If a Notification preview displays a Go Now button, pressing that button will now open the relevant window instead of the Notification window.

    • When it is a notification for the expiration of a newly obtained item, the first notification will be ignored.

      • If the item will expire in 5 minutes or less, the notification will still show.

    • Fixed an issue where the framerate would drop when the Notification preview showed in battle. 


Partholon Vanguard

  • Fixed an issue where your Antiquity Points were not always restored after failing to purchase an item from the Antiquity Point Shop.

  • Fixed an issue where the completion notification displayed even when a Vanguard Mission was not completed.



  • Fixed an issue where the client's performance would rapidly degrade when you scrolled through the Hot Springs Notification list under the Spring/Temporal Mission window with the mouse scroll wheel.

  • Fixed an issue where the Speaker Configuration settings, set under the Menu (Shortcut Key: T) > Options > Audio tab, would reset.

  • Fixed an issue where crystal ornaments did not react to dance motions when you used another character's dance emote obtained from the Friendship system.

  • Fixed an issue where Kai would not hold his Cross Gun while posing in the Wardrobe.

  • Fixed an issue where your weapon would not disappear in the Emote Preview window.

  • Fixed an issue where, when using another character's dance, the character dancing and camera looked like they were shaking.

  • Fixed an issue where the outline was not displayed on Rare items in the Shared Storage.

  • Fixed an issue where, when playing in windowed mode, moving the window during a loading screen would cause the client to move down.

  • Fixed an issue where the screen would sometimes turn black when selecting a character in the character select screen.

  • Fixed an issue where if you purchased an Avatar Shop item with an existing character and then created a new character, the previously purchased Avatar Shop item's appearance was applied during new character creation.

  • Fixed an issue where you could still hear other players' voice emotes after they were under penalty for spamming voice emotes.



  • Cherry Trees will appear in Colhen, Rocheste and Malina.



  • Shops run by Shire at Colhen Dock, Kayna at Colhen Marketplace, and Louie the Cat in Rocheste are open.

  • When you talk to Kayna in Colhen, you will progress through a story. Characters Lv. 11+ will receive an Unlimited Hair Pass (7 Days), an Unlimited Inner Armor Pass (7 Days) and an Unlimited Outfitter Pass (7 Days).


Quick Departure

  • Fixed an issue where the party list did not show when you refreshed under Quick Battle > Join Party.

  • Fixed an issue where the contents of the Battle list were different from what you set under options on the right side.

  • Fixed an issue where the options you set did not properly save.

  • Fixed an issue where the Quick Battle's Close Notification UI and Turn Off Notification Sound options were not working properly.

  • Fixed an issue where the party count for Special Dungeon and Abyssal Arena battles under the Special Battle section did not display properly.



  • Removed Path Skills that can no longer be trained from being eligible for Notifications.

  • Fixed an issue where the notification for Path Skills you can learn did not show under Notifications after changing characters.



  • Fixed an issue where non-existent items could be searched for under the Material > Crafting Materials tab > Expertise.


9. Skill Revamps

In an effort to make the skill text easier to understand and consistent across characters,we've altered some of the wording.

Here are some examples of updated wording you can expect to find in the game, along with what they are intended to convey:

New Revamp Format Meaning (with previous name)
Locked Skill A skill hasn't been learned.
Rank XXX+ skills only Applies to skills rank XXX and up.
Unlocks [SKILL/ABILITY NAME] A skill/ability will become available.
Unlocks Comrade: [NAME] A comrade will become available.
Unlocks Secondary Weapon A secondary weapon will become available.
Unlocks Higher Level [WEAPON] Higher level versions of a weapon will become available.
Unlocks Higher Level Armor Higher level versions of armor will become available.
AGI +XXX Agility is increased.
AoE +XXX Range is increased.
ATT +XXX Attack is increased.
ATT SPD +XXX Attack speed is increased.
ATT Surplus +XXX Standard damage cap is increased.
DEF +XXX Defense is increased.
CRIT +XXX Critical is increased.
CRIT DMG +XXX Critical hit damage is increased.
CRIT RTE +XXX Critical hit probability is increased.
Magic CRIT DMG +XXX Magic critical hit damage is increased.
Magic CRIT RTE +XXX Magic critical hit rate is increased.
HP +XXX Health Points is increased.
INT +XXX Intelligence is increased.
M. ATT +XXX Magic attack is increased.
STA +XXX Stamina is increased.
STR +XXX Strength is increased.
WIL +XXX Willpower is increased.
MVT SPD +XXX% Movement speed is increased.
AP bonus time -X.XXs Extra AP earned/healed every XXX seconds is lowered.
XXX AP skills now cost 0 AP Skills that once cost XXX AP now cost 0 AP.
Combat skill cost -XXX AP Skills related to combat now cost less AP.
Community skill cost -XXX AP Skills related to community now cost less AP.
Equipment skill cost -XXX AP Skills related to equipment now cost less AP.
Recovery skill cost -XXX AP Skills related to healing now cost less AP.
Training skill cost -XXX AP Skills related to training now cost less AP.
ADD ATT +1 The number of additional attacks is increased.
ADD ATT +1 after enhanced attack The number of additional attacks is increased if listed condition is met.
ADD ATT +1 at Rank XXX The number of additional attacks is increased if listed condition is met.
ADD ATK via smash +XXX The number of additional attacks is increased if listed condition is met.
DMG +XXX Damage is increased.
Breakoff DMG +XXX Damage threshold related to breaking off enemy parts is increased.
Normal attacks +XXX Normal attacks damage is increased.
Incoming DMG -XXX DMG taken from enemies is lowered.
Impact SPD +XXX

Slowdown effect when striking an enemy sped up.

Previously named as 'Penetration'
Knockdown chance +XXX% Probability of knocking down enemies is increased.
Knockdown prevention +XXX Chance to prevent being knocked down is increased.
Knockdown recovery +XXX Speed when recovering from being knocked down is increased.
Armor repair SPD +XXX Armor repair speed is increased.
Weight capacity +XXX STN How much weight one can handle is increased.
STN Stone.
Costs XXX MP MP costs XXX.
Costs XXX STA Stamina costs XXX.
STA cost -XXX Stamina cost is lowered.
Restores XXX STA Restores XXX Stamina.
Restores XXX STA while resting Restores XXX Stamina while resting.
[TYPE] armor max durability +XXX Armor's durability (HP) is increased.
Equipped Armor DEF +XXX Equipped armor defense is increased.
Armor DEF +XXX Armor defense is increased.
If unarmored/armor is damaged: DEF +XXX Armor defense increased if damaged
Invincibility +X.XXs Time enemies can't damage you is increased.
Activation cooldown -X.XXs Wait time before activating a skill is lowered.
Block +X.XXs Time to block attacks is increased.
Cast time -X.XXs Charge-up time before skill can be used is lowered.
Cooldown -X.XXs Time it takes to use a skill again is lowered.
Cooldown lasts X.XXs Time it takes to use a skill again is XXX seconds.
Deactivation cooldown -X.XXs Time it takes to activate something after deactivating is lowered.
Duration +X.XXs The time something is in effect is increased.
Lasts XXXs Time a skill lasts is XXX seconds.
STA recovery skill cooldown -X.XXs Time to recover STA from used by skill is lowered.
If successful: incoming DMG -XXX Incoming damage is decreased if conditions are met.
If successful: STA cost -XXX Stamina costs are decreased if conditions are met.
If hit: -XXX SP SP is lowered if hit by an enemy.
Absorbs up to XXX DMG If hit, part of the damage intended is mitigated/absorbed.
Converts XXX% DMG dealt into HP (max XXX HP) Damage dealt to enemy also heals you up to max HP amount listed.
Costs XXX SP/s Skill costs XXX SP per second.
Restores XXX STA/s Recovers XXX stamina per second.
Restores XXX HP/s Recovers XXX HP per second.
Restores XXX STA/s for X.XXs Recovers XXX stamina per second for a set amount of seconds.
Restores XXX HP/s (max XXX HP) Recovers XXX HP per second up to max HP amount listed.
Self: [EFFECTS]  Self = if something applies to the player only, this is listed before the effect.
Ally: [EFFECTS]  Ally = if something applies to a specific ally, this is listed before the effect.
Allies: [EFFECTS]  Allies = if something applies to all allies, this is listed before the effect.
Self & Allies: [EFFECTS]  Self & Allies = if something applies to everyone, this is listed before the effect.
Boosts campfire buffs Boons related to campfires are now increased.

(*XXX is to show all number values and and X.XX is to show time values as example)

(*Please note that the skill revamps are not related to any function or numeric changes in the game.)

  • Please keep in mind that this is a work-in-progress, and that we'll implement additional skill text revamps as time permits.
  • The above changes may still be subject to additional change.


Thanks for playing!