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To The Max! Event

  • 3 years ago

Event Period: 09/14 - 10/12 (4 weeks)

Event Details
* Account-Based Event

  • Progress once through the ID Event: To the Max! through the Strange Traveler.
    • A character Lv. 1+ can participate in the event story.
    • The event story can be completed once per account.
    • ID Event: To the Max!
  • Earn a Lv. 106 Boxtryoshka [AS] through the event story. Open a new Boxtryoshka per level up to Lv. 110.
    * Boxes expire 10/26/2021 7AM UTC.
    • Lv. 106 Boxtryoshka [AS]

Event Reward Contents

Lv. 106 Boxtryoshka [AS]

  • Box item received from the Strange Traveler in the first event story.
  • Open to claim all of the following contents.
Item Name Quantity Tradability Expiration Date
Jardin Steel Destiny Box [AS] 1 Account Shareable 10/26/2021 at 7AM UTC
Lv. 107 Boxtryoshka [AS] 1 Account Shareable 10/26/2021 at 7AM UTC

 Lv. 107 Boxtryoshka [AS]

  • Open to claim all of the following contents.
Item Name Quantity Tradability Expiration Date
Jardin Steel Destiny Box [AS] 1 Account Shareable 10/26/2021 at 7AM UTC
Lv. 108 Boxtryoshka [AS] 1 Account Shareable 10/26/2021 at 7AM UTC

 Lv. 108 Boxtryoshka [AS]

  • Open to claim all of the following contents.
Item Name Quantity Tradability Expiration Date
Jardin Steel Destiny Box [AS] 1 Account Shareable 10/26/2021 at 7AM UTC
Lv. 109 Boxtryoshka [AS] 1 Account Shareable 10/26/2021 at 7AM UTC

 Lv. 109 Boxtryoshka [AS]

  • Open to claim all of the following contents.
Item Name Quantity Tradability Expiration Date
Jardin Steel Destiny Box [AS] 3 Account Shareable 10/26/2021 at 7AM UTC
Mysterious Shard Grade 2 Box [AS] 1 Tradable Within Account 1x 10/26/2021 at 7AM UTC
Max Durability Increase Potion (Gift) 3 Can Use Shared Storage None
Lv. 110 Boxtryoshka [AS] 1 Account Shareable 10/26/2021 at 7AM UTC

 Lv. 110 Boxtryoshka [AS]

  • Open to claim all of the following contents.
Item Name Quantity Tradability Expiration Date
Jardin Steel Destiny Box [AS] 3 Account Shareable 10/26/2021 at 7AM UTC
Abyssal Shard Grade 2 Box [AS] 1 Tradable Within Account 1x 10/26/2021 at 7AM UTC
Intermediate Element Stone 3 Bound to Character None
Title: Giver of 110% 1 Bound to Character None

 Jardin Steel Destiny Box [AS]

  • Open to select and claim one of the following contents.
Item Name Quantity Tradability
Jardin Steel (Binding) 1 Bound to Character
Damascus Steel (Binding) 3 Bound to Character